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Professional Providers -> Crisis Response

Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA (2000). An Introductory Packet on Violence Prevention and Safe Schools. Los Angeles, CA: Author (revised 2004)
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Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA (2005). A Resource Aid Packet on Responding to a Crisis at a School.
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Community Response: Effective Action After a Suicide by Frank J. Zenere, Ed.S. National Association of School Psychologists, National Emergency Assistance Team.
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Critical Incident Stress Management Training Seminars
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Parent Guidelines for Crisis Response. American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress (1999) (SPRC)
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Post-Traumatic Loss Debriefing: Providing Immediate Support for Survivors of Suicide or Sudden Loss, by Thompson, R.
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Talking to Kids about Fear and Violence.
Parents can help children gain a sense of personal control by talking openly about violence and personal safety.
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Winnebago Response to Crisis
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Page Created: 5/25/2006

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