HCV Database
HCV sequence database

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Table: PUBlication
Number of rows: 50
Number of fields: 12
1Unknown96140609Host dependent variation of hepatitis C virus: phylogenetic analysesArch. Virol. 140 (12), 2123-2133 (1995)00000000002ef5c78572936Maekawa, S., Enomoto, N., Kurosaki, M., Marumo, F., Sato, C.
2Unknown Composite polynucleotide arraysPatent: EP 1262566-A 1 04-DEC-2002; Agilent Technologies, Inc. (US)00000000002ef5d2 Amorese, D.A., Shannon, K.W., Collins, P.J., Wolber, P.K.
3Unknown Hepatitis C virusThesis (1993) The University of Tokyo00000000002ef5dc Ohno, T.
4Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (08-JUL-1993) Tomoyoshi Ohno, Nagoya City University Medical School, Second Department of Internal Medicine; 1-1 Kawasumi, Mizuho, Nagoya, Aichi 467, Japan (Tel:052-851-5511(ex.8748,2265), Fax:052-852-0849)00000000002ef5f0 Ohno, T.
5Unknown95291394Genotype distribution in Nagoya and new genotype (genotype 3a) in Japanese patients with hepatitis C virusJ. Gastroenterol. 30 (2), 209-214 (1995)0000000000321f8a7773352Ohno, T., Mizokami, M., Yamauchi, M., Ohba, K., Orito, E., Wu, R.R., Mizuno, M., Sugihara, K., Wakita, T., Kakumu, S.
6Unknown Hepatitis c virus (hcv) ns5b rna polymerase and mutants thereofPatent: EP 1256628-A 2 13-NOV-2002; Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (US)00000000002ef605 Love, R.A., Yu, X., Diehl, W., Hickey, M.J., Parge, H.E., Gao, J., Fuhrman, S.
7Unknown22413629An outbreak of HBV and HCV infection in a paediatric oncology ward: Epidemiological investigations and prevention of further spreadJ. Med. Virol. 69 (3), 331-338 (2003)00000000002ef60f12526042Dumpis, U., Kovalova, Z., Jansons, J., Cupane, L., Sominskaya, I., Michailova, M., Karayiannis, P., Gardovska, D., Viazov, S., Ross, S., Roggendorf, M., Pumpens, P.
8Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (19-FEB-2002) Department of Recombinant Proteins, Biomedical Centre, Latvian University, Ratsupites 1, Riga LV-1058, Latvia00000000002ef61a Dumpis, U., Jansons, J., Solominskaya, I., Michailova, M., Pumpens, P.
9Unknown Nucleotide Sequence of Indian strain of Hepatitis C VirusUnpublished00000000002ef625 Guntaka, R.V., Munpally, S.K., Khaja, M.N., Kota, K.K., Ramana, V.K., Swamynathan, S.K., Sakata, Y., Habeebullah, C.M.
10Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (16-AUG-2001) Molecular Sciences, The University of Tennessee, 858, Madison Avenue, Memphis, TN 38163, USA00000000002ef62f Guntaka, R.V., Munpally, S.K., Khaja, M.N., Kota, K.K., Ramana, V.K., Swamynathan, S.K., Sakata, Y., Habeebullah, C.M.
11Unknown Anti-virus agentPatent: EP 1254663-A 2 06-NOV-2002; Technologie Integrale Ltd. (GB)00000000002ef643 Papuashvili, M.N.
12Unknown Anti-virus agentPatent: EP 1254663-A 1 06-NOV-2002; Technologie Integrale Ltd. (GB)00000000002ef64e Papuashvili, M.N.
13Unknown Hepatitis C virus subtyping by a core-envelope 1-based reverse transcriptase PCR assay with sequencing and its use in determining subtype distribution among Danish patients.J. Clin. Microbiol. 41(3); 1091-100 (2003)topology.lanl.gov00000000008816deJul 27 2004 2:49PM12624035Corbet, S., Bukh, J., Heinsen, A., Fomsgaard, A.
14Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (25-NOV-2002) Virology, Statens Serum Institut, 5 Artillerivej, Copenhagen 2300-S, Denmark00000000002ef662 Heinsen, A., Bukh, J., Corbet, S., Fomsgaard, A.
15Unknown95395235Molecular analysis of intraspousal transmission of hepatitis C virusJ. Hepatol. 22 (4), 431-439 (1995)00000000002ef66c7665861Chayama, K., Kobayashi, M., Tsubota, A., Koida, I., Arase, Y., Saitoh, S., Ikeda, K., Kumada, H.
16Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (12-MAR-1994) Kazuaki Chayama, Toranomon Hospital, Department of Gastroenteroloty; 2-2-2 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan (E-mail:bio@t-hospi.snet.or.jp, Tel:81-44-877-5111, Fax:81-44-877-5333)00000000002ef677 Chayama, K.
17Unknown Determination of nine genotypes of hepatitis C virus using PCR methodThesis (1995) Nagoya City University Medical School00000000002ef681 Ohno, T., Mizokami, M.
18Unknown96305314Usefulness and limitation of phylogenetic analysis for hepatitis C virus core region: application to isolates from Egyptian and Yemeni patientsArch. Virol. 141 (6), 1101-1113 (1996)00000000002ef68b8712927Ohno, T., Mizokami, M., Saleh, M.G., Orito, E., Ohba, K.I., Wu, R.R., Koide, T., Tibbs, C.J., Nouri-Aria, K.T., Tokudome, S., Williams, R.
19Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (16-DEC-1995) Tomoyoshi Ohno, Nagoya City University Medical School, Second Department of Internal Medicine; 1-1 Kawasumi, Mizuho, Nagoya, Aichi 467, Japan (Tel:81-52-851-5511(ex.8748), Fax:81-52-852-0849)00000000002ef695 Ohno, T.
20Unknown96011840A novel sequence found at the 3' terminus of hepatitis C virus genomeBiochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 215 (2), 744-749 (1995)00000000002ef6a07488017Tanaka, T., Kato, N., Cho, M.J., Shimotohno, K.
21Unknown96186767Structure of the 3' terminus of the hepatitis C virus genomeJ. Virol. 70 (5), 3307-3312 (1996)00000000002ef6aa8627816Tanaka, T., Kato, N., Cho, M.J., Sugiyama, K., Shimotohno, K.
22Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (25-AUG-1995) Torahiko Tanaka, National Cancer Center Research Institute, Virology Division; 5-1-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104, Japan (Tel:81-3-3542-2511(ex.4702), Fax:81-3-3543-2181)00000000002ef6be Tanaka, T.
23Unknown Determination of nine genotypes of hepatitis C virus using PCR methodUnpublished00000000002ef6c9 Ohno, T., Mizokami, M.
24Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (27-FEB-1995) Tomoyoshi Ohno, Nagoya City University Medical School, Second Department of Internal Medicine; 1-1 Kawasumi, Mizuho, Nagoya, Aichi 467, Japan (Tel:81-52-851-5511(ex.8748), Fax:81-52-852-0849)00000000002ef6d3 Ohno, T.
25Unknown93249436Analysis of the putative E1 envelope and NS4a epitope regions of HCV type 3Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 192 (2), 635-641 (1993)00000000002ef6dd7683463Stuyver, L., Van Arnhem, W., Wyseur, A., DeLeys, R., Maertens, G.
26Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (08-MAR-1993) Lieven Stuyver, Innogenetics N.V.; Industriepark Zwijnaarde 7, Box 4, Gent B-9052, Belgium (Tel:32-91-41-07-11, Fax:32-91-41-07-99)00000000002ef6e7 Stuyver, L.
27Unknown HCV core region isolated from a Nanjing's chronic hepatitis patientUnpublished00000000002ef6f2 Suzuki, K., Mizokami, M., Orito, E.
28Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (11-JUN-1993) Kaoru Suzuki, Nagoya City University Medical School, Second Department of Medicine; 1-1, Kawasumi, Mizuho, Nagoya, Aichi 467, Japan (E-mail:kohba@sunbeam.med.nagoya-cu.ac.jp, Tel:81-52-8500000000002ef6fc Suzuki, K.
29Unknown non-coding region of Hepatitis C virus in NanjingUnpublished00000000002ef706 Suzuki, K., Mizokami, M., Orito, E.
30Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (29-MAR-1993) Kazuaki Chayama, Toranomon Hospital, Department of Gastroenteroloty; 2-2-2 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan (E-mail:bio@t-hospi.snet.or.jp, Tel:81-44-877-5111, Fax:81-44-877-5333)00000000002ef710 Chayama, K.
31Unknown93314964Secretion and purification of hepatitis C virus NS1 glycoprotein produced by recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cellsGene 129 (2), 207-214 (1993)00000000002ef71b7686870Nishihara, T., Nozaki, C., Nakatake, H., Hoshiko, K., Esumi, M., Hayashi, N., Hino, K., Hamada, F., Mizuno, K., Shikata, T.
32Unknown93286423Molecular cloning and heterogeneity of the human hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomeJ. Hepatol. 17 Suppl 3, S94-S107 (1993)00000000002ef72f8389788Hayashi, N., Higashi, H., Kaminaka, K., Sugimoto, H., Esumi, M., Komatsu, K., Hayashi, K., Sugitani, M., Suzuki, K., Okano, T., Tadao, O.et, al., , Nozaki, C., Mizuno, K., Shikata, T.
33Unknown96386004Immunoreactive core peptides of hepatitis C virus produced in Escherichia coli and in vitro DNA amplification-restricted transcription-translation systemJ. Virol. Methods 59 (1-2), 91-98 (1996)00000000002ef7398793834Esumi, M., Hayashi, N., Takahashi, H., Shikata, T., Moriyama, M., Arakawa, Y., Eto, T., Nishihara, T., Nozaki, C., Mizuno, K.
34Unknown99033101Murine antibodies against E2 and hypervariable region 1 cross-reactively capture hepatitis C virusVirology 251 (1), 158-164 (1998)00000000002ef7449813211Esumi, M., Ahmed, M., Zhou, Y.H., Takahashi, H., Shikata, T.
35Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (13-OCT-1992) Mariko Esumi, Nihon University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology; Oyaguchikami-machi, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-8610, Japan (Tel:81-3-3972-8111(ex.2330), Fax:81-3-3972-8830)00000000002ef74e Esumi, M.
36Unknown93197128Nucleotide sequence of the hepatitis C virus genome from a patient negative for anti-HCV by the first generation antibody assayNucleic Acids Res. 21 (4), 1037 (1993)00000000002ef7588383835Sarashina, T., Sakurai, T., Watanabe, Y., Kashima, K., Suzuki, T., Chiba, J., Kita, Y., Horiuchi, T., Saito, I., Miyamura, T.
37Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (21-DEC-1992) Ken Kashima, National Institute of Health Lab. of Hepatitis Viruses, Department of Virology II; 1-23-1 Toyama, Shinjuki-ku, Tokyo 162, Japan (Tel:81-3-5285-1111, Fax:81-3-5285-1161)00000000002ef763 Kashima, K.
38Unknown93134786Antigenicities of Group I and II hepatitis C virus polypeptides--molecular basis of diagnosis.Virology 192(2); 430-7 (1993)topology.lanl.gov00000000003ea01eJun 2 2003 9:05AM7678473Tsukiyama-Kohara, K., Yamaguchi, K., Maki, N., Ohta, Y., Miki, K., Mizokami, M., Ohba, K., Tanaka, S., Hattori, N., Nomoto, A., et al.
39Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (21-JAN-1993) Kyoko Kohara, The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute; 3-18-22 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan (E-mail:kohara@rinshoken.or.jp, Tel:03-3823-2101, Fax:03-3828-8945)00000000002ef777 Kohara, K.
40Unknown91140698Structure and organization of the hepatitis C virus genome isolated from human carriersJ. Virol. 65 (3), 1105-1113 (1991)00000000002ef7811847440Takamizawa, A., Mori, C., Fuke, I., Manabe, S., Murakami, S., Fujita, J., Onishi, E., Andoh, T., Yoshida, I., Okayama, H.
41Unknown92124765A second group of hepatitis C virusesVirus Genes 5 (3), 243-254 (1991)00000000002ef78c1663293Tsukiyama-Kohara, K., Kohara, M., Yamaguchi, K., Maki, N., Toyoshima, A., Miki, K., Tanaka, S., Hattori, N., Nomoto, A.
42Unknown New insights in RFLP genotyping sensitivity to detect Hepatitis C mixed infectionsUnpublished00000000002ef796 Quarleri, J.F., Lu, L., Oubina, J.R.
43Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (04-NOV-2002) Microbiology, School of Medicine - University of Buenos Aires, Paraguay 2155 - Piso 11, Buenos Aires 1121, Argentina00000000002ef7aa Quarleri, J.F., Lu, L., Oubina, J.R.
44Unknown Autonomous replication of the subgenomic RNA derived from hepatitis C virus infected cellsUnpublished00000000002ef7b5 Kishine, H., Sugiyama, K., Hijikata, M., Kato, N., Takahashi, H., Noshi, T., Nio, Y., Hosaka, M., Miyanari, Y., Naito, A., Shimotohno, K.
45Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (23-FEB-2002) Kazuo Sugiyama, National Cancer Center, Research Institute, Virology Division; Tsukiji 5-1-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan (E-mail:kzsugiya@ncc.go.jp, Tel:81-3-3542-2511(ex.4701), Fax:81-3-3543-2100000000002ef7bf Sugiyama, K.
47Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (13-NOV-2002) Virology, Statens Serum Institut, 5 Artillerivej, Copenhagen DK-2300, Denmark00000000002ef7d3 Heinsen, A., Bukh, J., Corbet, S., Fomsgaard, A.
48Unknown Comparative sequence analysis of the core protein and its frameshift product, the F protein, of hepatitis C virus subtype 1b strains obtained from patients with and without hepatocellular carcinoma.J. Clin. Microbiol.. 40(10); 3625-30 (2002)lust.lanl.gov000000002555fd77Feb 21 2007 10:55AM12354856Ogata, S., Nagano-Fujii, M., Ku, Y., Yoon, S., Hotta, H.
49Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (31-MAY-2002) Satoshi Ogata, Kobe University, Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology; 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Cuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0017, Japan (E-mail:ogatas@med.kobe-u.ac.jp, Tel:81-78-382-5501,00000000002ef7e8 Ogata, S.
50Unknown22291660Evolution of hepatitis C viral quasispecies after liver transplantationGastroenterology 123 (5), 1485-1493 (2002)00000000002ef7f212404223Lyra, A.C., Fan, X., Lang, D.M., Yusim, K., Ramrakhiani, S., Brunt, E.M., Korber, B., Perelson, A.S., Di Bisceglie, A.M.
51Unknown Direct SubmissionSubmitted (28-MAR-2002) Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University, 3635 Vista Ave, Saint Louis, MO 63110, USA00000000002ef7fc Lyra, A.C., Fan, X., Di Bisceglie, A.M.

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