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Certification Status of Part 139 Airports

To assist air carriers in determining which airports have obtained a new or revised AOC, review the Part 139 Airport Certification Status Table (MS Excel, 113 KB). This table lists airports alphabetically by state and provides certification status, class, and ARFF Index for each airport. The table will be updated as the FAA issues revised or new AOCs.

U.S. Government-Operated Airports

The revised Part 139 clarifies that Federal airport certification requirements do not apply to airports operated by the U.S. Government. As a result, the FAA also modified Part 121.590 to permit air carriers and commercial operators to conduct certain passenger-carrying operations at those airports only if they meet the equivalent

  • Safety standards for airports certificated under Part 139; and
  • Airport classification requirements under Part 139 to serve the type airplane to be operated and the type of operation to be conducted.

Storage of Fuel

Under revised Part 139.321, Handling and Storing of Hazardous Substances and Materials, the FAA has clarified the airport operator’s responsibility for fuel storage areas owned or operated by tenant air carriers. Specifically, the FAA has deleted paragraph (h), which exempted the airport operator from overseeing Part 121 or 135 air carrier fueling operations to ensure compliance with Part 139 fuel fire safety requirements. Accordingly, the FAA now will hold an airport operator responsible for protecting against fire and explosion in air carrier fuel storage facilities. This will ensure that all fuel storage facilities at Part 139 airports are inspected in the same manner and held to the same fuel fire safety standards.

Public Charters

To ensure that air carriers are aware of the statutory requirements of 49 U.S.C. 41104(b) regarding airport requirements for public charters, the FAA added an advisory note describing the new economic statutory provisions pertaining to the use of Part 139 airports for regularly scheduled charter air transportation flights. For further questions on public charter operations conducted under 14 CFR Part 380, contact DOT, Office of Aviation Analysis, at (202) 366-5903.

Updated: 5:52 pm ET December 22, 2008