(September 18, 2008)

The Commission acted on the following items at the September 18, 2008 Commission Meeting:

Item #Docket #Company
E-2 RM08-5-000Revisions to Forms, Statements and Reporting Requirements for Electric Utilities and Licensees
E-3NJ08-3-000Southwestern Power Administration
E-5 OA08-27-000E.ON U.S. LLC
E-6 OA08-36-000Cleco Power LLC
E-7OA08-37-000Southern Company Services, Inc.
E-8 OA08-46-000South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
E-9 OA08-50-000Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
 OA08-51-000Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.
E-10 OA08-59-000Entergy Services, Inc.
E-13ER08-1146-000Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. and American Transmission Company LLC
E-14 ER08-1113-000California Independent System Operator Corporation
E-15 ER05-1410-000PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
 EL05-148-000PJM Interconnection, LLC
E-16EL08-67-000Maryland Public Service Commission, Delaware Public Service Commission, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, Public Power Association of New Jersey, Maryland Office of the People’s Counsel, Office of the People’s Counsel of the District of Columbia, Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc., Blue Ridge Power Agency, Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc., Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, New Jersey Department of the Public Advocate, Division of Rate Counsel, Pennsylvania Officer of Consumer Advocate, PJM Industrial Customer Coalition, American Forest and Paper Association, Portland Cement Association, Duquesne Light Company, and United States Department of Defense and other affected Federal Executive Agencies v. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
E-19ER08-1144-000PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
E-20ER06-456-014PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
 ER06-1271-009PJM Interconnection L.L.C.
 ER07-424-005PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
E-22ER02-2001-008Electric Quarterly Reports, Freedom Partners, LLC, Solaro Energy Marketing Corporation and Take Two, LLC
 ER06-1039-000Freedom Partners, LLC
 ER03-752-000Solaro Energy Marketing Corporation, Inc
 ER06-63-000Take Two, LLC
E-24RM01-8-011Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements for Electric Quarterly Reports
E-25RM06-16-004Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Bulk-Power System and North American Electric Reliability Corporation
 RR08-1-001North American Reliability Corporation
E-26RM06-22-000Mandatory Reliability Standards for Critical Infrastructure Protection
E-27 ER07-323-002Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc. and Dynegy Midwest Generation, Inc.
E-28ER08-229-001PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
E-29EL00-66-006Louisiana Public Service Commission and the Council of the City of New Orleans v. Entergy Corporation, Entergy Services, Inc., and Louisiana Public Service Commission v. Entergy Services, Inc.
 ER00-2854-007Entergy Services, Inc.
 EL95-33-008Louisiana Public Service Commission and the Council of the City of New Orleans v. Energy Corporation
 EL00-66-009Louisiana Public Service Commission and the Council of the City of New Orleans v. Entergy Corporation, Entergy Services, Inc., and Louisiana Public Service Commission v. Entergy Services, Inc.
E-30 ER96-2495-030AEP Power Marketing, Inc., AEP Service Corporation, AEP Energy Partners, Inc., CSW Energy Services, Inc. and Central and South West Services, Inc.
 ER07-1130-001AEP Energy Partners, Inc.
 ER97-4143-018American Electric Power Service Corporation
 ER98-542-020Central and South West Services, Inc.
 ER98-2075-024CSW Energy Services, Inc.
E-31EL08-39-000New York Regionional Interconnect, Inc.
M-1 RM01-5-000Electronic Tariff Filings
G-1 RM07-10-001Transparency Provisions of Section 23 of the Natural Gas Act
G-2RM96-1-029Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines
G-3RP08-272-001Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation
H-1P-2145-089Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County, Washington
H-2P-1490-046Brazos River Authority
H-3P-2192-028Consolidated Water Power Co.
H-4P-1490-047Brazos River Authority
H-5P-2602-023Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
H-6P-9300-018James Lichoulas Jr.
H-7P-1417-227Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District
C-1 CP06-365-000Bradwood Landing LLC
 CP06-366-000NorthernStar Energy LLC

Kimberly D. Bose

Updated: September 19, 2008, 4:02:47 PM