Trademarks > Notice Regarding Trademark Filing Fees

Notice Regarding Trademark Filing Fees

Please note that the fee for filing an application for trademark registration continues to be $335.00 per international class. Although Congress passed an omnibus appropriations bill (H.R. 4818) on November 20, 2004 that changes trademark filing fees, the existing $335.00 fee will remain in effect until (1) the President signs H.R. 4818 into law and (2) the USPTO takes the necessary administrative measures to give effect to the new fees. Thereafter, the fees for filing an application will be as follows:

  • $375.00 per international class for the filing of a paper application;
  • $325.00 per international class for the filing of an electronic application; and
  • $275.00 per international class for the filing of an electronic application meeting certain additional requirements to be prescribed by the Director.

Notice of the effective date(s) of the fee changes will be posted on the USPTO web site and announced in the Federal Register.

Please note that H.R. 4818 also includes provisions regarding patent fees. Information regarding these provisions is available at >> HR 4818 Updates - Patent Fees

>> see also current USPTO Fee Information

KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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