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Forest Planning


Forest Planning - Forest planning involves both programmatic land management planning and Forest Plan (aslo referred to as site specific project planning) implementation. In regards to programmatic land management planning, the Monongahela National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) and Environmental Impact Statement were approved in 1986. Continued planning occurs so that the Forest Plan remains a dynamic and responsible tool for managing the Forest's land and resources in a changing social and economic climate. In regards to Forest Plan implementation, the implementation of Forest projects occurs through a three-phase process that includes watershed analysis, project decisions, and evaluation.

Watershed Assessment - The watershed analysis phase of planning is used to determine existing conditions and make recommendations for future projects that move the landscape towards desired conditions.
Mountain showing the process beginning at a Project Idea to Project Decision Making to Evaluation  to Watershed Analysis and that Public Participation is an intregal part throughout each step.

Monitoring and Evaluation - Monitoring and evaluation are separate, sequential activities that are conducted at several scales and for many purposes, each of which has different objectives and requirements. Monitoring includes the collection of data and information either by observation or measurement; it is not completed on every activity nor is it designed to be similar to research in either purpose or degree of statistical rigor. Evaluation is the analysis and interpretation of data collected during the monitoring phase. Evaluation results are used to determine whether changes in the Forest Plan, or in project implementation are necessary.

Schedule of Proposed Actions - The Monongahela's Schedule of Proposed Actions is a publication used to inform the public of the programmatic land management planning and site-specific project planning that the Forest is conducting. It is often referred to as the Monongahela Quarterly or the SOPA. It describes the actions being proposed, their location, the proposal's status, and whom the public may contact to get more information. You can view our Schedule of Proposed Actions, by visiting the Forest Service SOPA page for the Monongahela National Forest or by requesting to be placed on the mailing list for the quarterly.

Sustainability Action Plan - The Sustainability Action Plan (20 pgs/464kb) provides information and recommendations that the Forest can use to reduce its environmental footprint by conserving energy and water, recycling, and converting to more earth-friendly or “green” products and practices. Reductions in usage will not only have fewer impacts on the environment but will also be reflected in cost savings to the Forest, which in turn are savings to the government and its taxpayers, including each and every one of us. These savings can then be used to buy products or implement services and practices that will further reduce the environmental footprint of Forest employees and our customers.


Forest Plan Revision
Watershed Assessments
Proposed Actions
NEPA Documents


Draft Section 106 Programmatic Agreement
Draft Agreement Between the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia Division of Culture and History, and The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (209 kb/34pgs)
Appendix C - Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Short Form (54kb/2pgs)
Appendix D - R-9 Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Long Form (79kb/6pgs)
Monitoring and Evaluation
Fiscal Year 2007 Report

Introduction (187kb/8 pgs)
Outputs (67kb/10 pgs)
Costs (102kb/4 pgs)
Insects & Diseases (19kb/2 pgs)
Land Productivity (60kb/4 pgs)
Timber Resources (46kb/6 pgs)
Air Quality (457kb/10 pgs)
Heritage Resources (17kb/2 pgs)
Mineral Resources (36kb/6 pgs)
Recreation Resources (50kb/10 pgs)
Soil Resources (723kb/12 pgs)
Transportation System (31kb/4 pgs)
Botanical Resources (35kb/4 pgs)
Vegetation Diversity (53kb/8 pgs)
Aquatic Resources (305kb/34 pgs)
Wildlife Resources (258kb/16 pgs)
Rangeland Resources (83kb/6 pgs)
Literature Cited (11kb/1 pg)

Fiscal Year 2006 Report

Fiscal Year 2006 Report
Introduction and Table of Contents (pdf 671kb/8 pages)
Air Monitoring (pdf 4621kb/10 pages)
Botany Monitoring (pdf 2331kb/4 pages)
Soils and Heritage Resources Monitoring (pdf 6151kb/14 pages)
Wildlife Monitoring (pdf 377kb/14 pages)
Timber Monitoring (pdf 292kb/6 pages)
Range Monitoring (pdf 585kb/8 pages)
Minerals Monitoring (pdf 158kb/4 pages)

Recreation Monitoring (pdf 320kb/10 pages)
Aquatics Monitoring (pdf 256kb/10 pages)
References (pdf 101kb/2 pages)


Definition of Terms

Please feel free to email us with any questions, comments or concerns that you may have.