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Historical Data 1955 -1977
Officeworkers at Nonmetal Operations

TABLE 35 - Injury experience and worktime data for officeworkers at
           nonmetal operations, 1955-77

Year             Nonfatal            All      Non-       All
          Fatal disabling      disabling disabling  injuries

1955         -         5              5        NA         5 
1956         -         2              2        NA         2 
1957         -         7              7        NA         7 
1958         2         5              7        NA         7 
1959         1         7              8        NA         8 
1960         -         8              8        NA         8 
1961         -         9              9        NA         9 
1962         -         7              7        NA         7 
1963         -         4              4        NA         4 
1964         -         4              4        NA         4 
1965         -         6              6        NA         6 
1966         1        13             14        NA        14 
1967         -        16             16        NA        16 
1968         -         3              3        NA         3 
1969         -         8              8        NA         8 
1970         -        12             12        NA        12 
1971         -         8              8        NA         8 
1972         -         5              5        NA         5 
1973         -         3              3        14        17 
1974         -         2              2         6         8 
1975         -         4              4         7        11 
1976         -         5              5         6        11 
1977         -         4              4         3         7 

NA Not available. 

                    Frequency rates per
                      million man-hours 
Year             Nonfatal            All      Non-       All
          Fatal disabling      disabling disabling  injuries

1955         -      1.34           1.34        NA      1.34 
1956         -      0.51           0.51        NA      0.51 
1957         -      1.26           1.26        NA      1.26 
1958      0.31      0.79           1.11        NA      1.11 
1959      0.14      1.01           1.16        NA      1.16 
1960         -      1.07           1.07        NA      1.07 
1961         -      1.13           1.13        NA      1.13 
1962         -      0.92           0.92        NA      0.92 
1963         -      0.53           0.53        NA      0.53 
1964         -      0.45           0.45        NA      0.45 
1965         -      0.65           0.65        NA      0.65 
1966      0.10      1.35           1.45        NA      1.45 
1967         -      1.71           1.71        NA      1.71 
1968         -      0.35           0.35        NA      0.35 
1969         -      0.93           0.93        NA      0.93 
1970         -      1.40           1.40        NA      1.40 
1971         -      1.16           1.16        NA      1.16 
1972         -      0.79           0.79        NA      0.79 
1973         -      0.37           0.37      1.72      2.09 
1974         -      0.21           0.21      0.62      0.82 
1975         -      0.36           0.36      0.62      0.98 
1976         -      0.43           0.43      0.51      0.94 
1977         -      0.31           0.31      0.23      0.54 

NA Not available. 

                     Severity rates per
                      million man-hours 
Year             Nonfatal            All Man-hours
          Fatal disabling      disabling    worked
1955         -        NA             NA     3,718 
1956         -         2              2     3,917 
1957         -       122            122     5,562 
1958     1,895        11          1,906     6,331 
1959       869        30            899     6,907 
1960         -         5              5     7,483 
1961         -        25             25     7,987 
1962         -        28             28     7,619 
1963         -         6              6     7,482 
1964         -        27             27     8,801 
1965         -        19             19     9,173 
1966       623        28            651     9,628 
1967         -        61             61     9,382 
1968         -         6              6     8,541 
1969         -        12             12     8,594 
1970         -        17             17     8,597 
1971         -         7              7     6,870 
1972         -         2              2     6,292 
1973         -         2              2     8,121 
1974         -         1              1     9,715 
1975         -         6              6    11,203 
1976         -         3              3    11,753 
1977         -        37             37    12,850 

NA Not available.

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