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     Stuart Memorial Drive

Stuart Memorial Drive, Forest Road 91, is a 10.7 mile scenic, graveled road starting in Shavers Fork Valley at the Stuart Recreation Area (elevation 2240 ft). It is located just north of the entrance to the Stuart Recreation Area and ends on Shavers Mountain at US Route 33. The narrow road climbs steadily through the eastern deciduous forest to over 4000 ft. along Middle Point Mountain before gradually descending to Alpena Gap (elevation 3020ft.). Spur roads lead to Bickle Knob and the Otter Creek Wilderness. Access to trailheads for the Otter Creek Trail, Middle Point trail, and Shavers Mountain trail are possible from this road.

Travel the drive to see the National Forest's multiple-use management at work. There are excellent examples of recreation, grazing, wildlife habitats, wilderness, energy development and watershed protection. The road can be driven in a passenger car in good weather. During winter there is no maintenance or snow removal so it can be used for cross-country skiing.


The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), commonly known as President Roosevelt's tree army, built the Robert V. Stuart Memorial Drive in 1936. Mr. Stuart was the National Forest's fourth Chief Forester, 1928-33. His foresight and planning were the basis for much of the CCC work in the National Forests.

Stuart Memorial Drive Scenic View

Along the drive, CCC stone work is still visible: the entrance gate on old US Route 33, culverts, the spring on Bickle Knob spur road, picnic shelter foundations on Bickle Knob and the Alpena Gap CCC memorial. Also, much of the stone work and structures in the Stuart Recreation Area are still being used today, testifying to sound construction.


From Elkins take US Route 33 East for approximately 4 miles. Turn north on WV 33/8 (old US Route 33) and follow signs to Stuart Recreation Area. Turn north on State Route 6 and drive one half mile. Stuart Memorial Drive will be a right hand turn.

For more information contact the Cheat Ranger District, PO Box 368, Parsons WV (304) 478-2000.