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COLMR Reports

Several reports are included here that were prepared by the Management Decision and Research Center (MDRC), COLMR's predecessor organization, that have been of interest to investigators and managers. We are including them here to continue their availability.

  • Evaluation of Advanced Clinic Access: The MDRC conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of Advanced Clinic Access (ACA) at the request of the Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management and the ACA Steering Committee. In 2000, VA launched a national initiative to diffuse Advanced Clinic Access in six target clinic areas (Primary Care, Audiology, Eye Care, Cardiology, Orthopedics, Urology) across VA. ACA is a set of 10 key change principles for managing clinics so that veterans have access to medical care when they want it. The evaluation was designed to describe the approaches used to promote and support implementation of ACA, to measure the extent to which ACA was implemented in the six target clinics, to analyze the factors associated with ACA implementation and to assess the impact of ACA on wait times and patient satisfaction.

  • Analyses of Facility Integration: The MDRC conducted a series of studies of the structure, processes and effectiveness of facility integration in the Department of Veterans Affairs. The most recent study focused on integration in highly-affiliated academic medical centers. All reports include management lessons for other medical centers considering integration. The studies were conducted at the request of the VA Under Secretary for Health and the Chief Research and Development Officer.

  • Service Line Analyses: The MDRC and the Houston Center for Quality of Care and Utilization Studies conducted a three-year evaluation of service lines in the Department of Veterans Affairs. The evaluation focused on implementation and effectiveness of service lines at the levels of both the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) and the facility. The evaluation was conducted at the request of the VA Under Secretary for Health.

  • Researcher Satisfaction: Since 1998, the VA Office of Research and Development has commissioned a national survey of VA researchers to assess researchers' views of the current status of research in VA and their satisfaction with the support they receive from local, VISN, and national VA offices. Until 2002, the survey was administered by the HSR&D Center of Excellence in Ann Arbor, working through the MDRC). In 2002, the survey was directly administered and analyzed by the MDRC. Survey results were augmented by case studies of promising practices for improving researcher satisfaction.

  • National VA Quality Improvement Survey 2000 Report: Since 1995, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has undertaken an extensive reorganization in an effort to improve the quality and efficiency of the delivery of health care. The National Quality Improvement Survey (NQIS) was designed to measure and monitor crucial aspects of the organizational change process within VHA. This report presents the results of the third administration of the NQIS by the HSR&D Management Decision and Research Center (MDRC). The first round of data collection was completed during the first half of fiscal year 1997, the second during the last half of fiscal year 1998, and the third during the first half of fiscal year 2000.