Good Project Descriptions to Expedite EHP Reviews

You can help expedite the environmental portion of your project review by including any or all of the following existing documents in your project application. These will help the reviewers screen your project and aid them in making expedited decisions as to what laws may or may not apply. They will also help you see and anticipate the environmental concerns that may be present.

A clearly written description project scope of work for the entire project, including any elements not federally funded or not funded by FEMA, that are likely to be done as part of the project in the foreseeable future.

Include any maps, studies, plans, drawings, sketches, schematics, etc., as may be available, to help understand the entire project.

Clearly identify changes in footprints, ground disturbance and areas of previously undisturbed ground.

Be sure to include areas for construction access and staging areas in the project description.

For more complex projects or projects where impacts are likely, impacts viable alternatives considered should be described.

Photos as required showing the proposed project area in the context of its surroundings. If the project is a building, show all sides of the entire building (at least from opposite corners), and the context of the building in it's setting including the surrounding buildings and grounds. If the project is in a rural area, show the project site in the foreground with the surroundings in all four directions in the background.

Location maps (e.g., USGS maps, or other suitable maps), as necessary to show the project in the context of its surroundings. For projects in rural areas or for projects with ground disturbing activities, USGS maps are required.

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Last Modified: Monday, 17-Apr-2006 09:52:29 EDT