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Environmental Program

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Environmental Program
Branch of Environmental Assessment
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Environmental Studies Program
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Social Science in MMS
Environment and Hydrates
Scientific Committee
Env. & Hydrates
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July 14, 2008

Scientific Committee

The purpose of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Scientific Committee  is to advise the Secretary of the Interior, through the Director, Minerals Management Service (MMS), on the feasibility, appropriateness, and scientific value of the MMS' OCS Environmental Studies Program (ESP). The ESP's main function is to obtain environmental information through research to support the decision process at all stages of the oil and gas leasing program. This program operates under the following guidelines:

bulletTo provide information on the status of the environment upon which the prediction of impacts of OCS oil and gas development may be based;
bulletTo provide information on the ways and extent that OCS development can potentially impact the human, marine, biological, and coastal resources and areas;
bulletTo ensure that information already available or being collected under the program is in a form that can be used in the decisionmaking process associated with a specific leasing action, or with the longer terms OCS minerals management responsibilities; and
bulletTo provide a basis for future monitoring of OCS operations, including assessments of short-term impacts attributable to the OCS oil and gas program. The Committee reviews the relevance of proposed studies and of data being produced by the program and may recommend changes in the program's scope, direction, and emphasis.
bullet Additional Information

For more information, contact Phyllis Clark or call at (703) 787-1716.


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