Ten Leading Causes of Death Among Females (All Ages), by Race/Ethnicity, 2005

Ten Leading Causes of Death Among Females (All Ages), by Race/Ethnicity, 2005
Cause of Death Total Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native
Percent of Deaths Rank Percent of Deaths Rank Percent of Deaths Rank Percent of Deaths Rank Percent of Deaths Rank Percent of Deaths Rank
Heart Disease 26.5% 1 26.8% 1 26.3% 1 23.8% 1 23.4% 2 19.0% 1
Malignant Neoplasms (cancer) 21.7% 2 21.7% 2 21.2% 2 21.4% 2 27.7% 1 18.6% 2
Cerebrovascular Diseases (stroke) 7.0% 3 7.0% 3 7.0% 3 6.3% 3 9.5% 3 6.0% 5
Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 5.5% 4 6.2% 4 2.6% 7 2.8% 6 2.4% 7 4.1% 6
4.1% 5 4.5% 5 2.3% 9 2.5% 8 1.9% 8 2.0% 10
Unintentional Injury 3.3% 6 3.3% 6 3.0% 6 5.0% 5 3.9% 5 8.0% 3
Diabetes Mellitus 3.1% 7 2.6% 8 5.0% 4 5.9% 4 4.0% 4 6.3% 4
Influenza and Pneumonia 2.8% 8 2.9% 7 2.1% 10 2.8% 7 3.0% 6 2.8% 8
Nephritis (kidney inflammation) 1.8% 9 1.6% 9 3.1% 5 2.0% 10 1.8% 9 2.6% 9
Septicemia (blood poisoning) 1.5% 10 1.4% 10 2.4% 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

N/A = not in the top 10 leading causes of death for this racial/ethnic group.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) Analysis of National Vial Statistics System 2005 data. [online]. www.cdc.gov/ncipc/wisqars, accessed 01/28/08.

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