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The NIH Almanac - Organization

Office of the Director, NIH

The NIH comprises the Office of the Director and 27 Institutes and Centers. The Office of the Director (OD) is the central office at NIH. The OD is responsible for setting policy for NIH and for planning, managing, and coordinating the programs and activities of all the NIH components.

The NIH Director provides overall leadership to NIH activities in both scientific and administrative matters. Although each institute within the NIH has a separate mission, the NIH Director plays an active role in shaping the agency's research agenda and outlook. With a unique and critical perspective on the mission of the entire NIH, the Director is responsible for providing leadership to the institutes for identifying needs and opportunities, especially for efforts that involve several institutes. The NIH Director is assisted by the Principal Deputy Director, who shares in the overall direction of the agency's activities.

In carrying out these responsibilities, the NIH Director stays informed about program priorities and accomplishments through regular staff meetings, discussions, and briefing sessions with OD and institute staff. The Director also receives input from:

  • the extramural scientific community, including both individual researchers and scientific organizations
  • patient advocacy and voluntary health groups that deal directly with NIH or indirectly through Congress and the media
  • the Congress, the Administration, and the Director's Council of Public Representatives, which brings public views to NIH.

Ongoing discussions with these groups and others provide the basis for an established framework within which priorities for the agency are identified, reviewed, and justified.

The following describes the major offices in within the NIH Office of the Director:

Research, Funding, and Coordination

Office of Extramural Research (OER)
The Office of Extramural Research provides the leadership, oversight, tools, and guidance needed to administer and manage NIH grants policies and operations. Extramural research grants—awarded to investigators throughout the U.S. and abroad—account for about 84% of NIH's $29 billion budget.

Office of Intramural Research (OIR)
The Office of Intramural Research is responsible for oversight and coordination of intramural research, training, and technology transfer conducted within the laboratories and clinics of the National Institutes of Health.  Comprising less than 10% of the NIH budget, the program includes the NIH Clinical Center research hospital and the National Library of Medicine and supports approximately 1,200 principal investigators and 8,000 scientific staff.

Office of Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Initiatives (OPASI)
The Office of Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Initiatives provides NIH and its constituent Institutes and Centers with the methods and information necessary to manage their large and complex scientific portfolios. OPASI identifies important areas of emerging scientific opportunities or rising public health challenges and helps to accelerate investments in these areas. OPASI comprises 3 divisions:

  • Division of Resource Development and Analysis (DRDA) coordinates with other organizations to develop new analytic tools and support systems that will comprise part of an improved executive decision support system to enhance the management of the NIH's large and complex scientific portfolio.
  • Division of Strategic Coordination (DSC) oversees NIH-wide efforts to plan and implement programs known as the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research. These programs are funded through the Common Fund and are selected by the NIH Leadership following a process of public input.
  • Division of Evaluation and Systemic Assessments (DESA) coordinates use of the Evaluation Set-Aside funds to evaluate programs across the NIH. This division also oversees processes related to the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART).


Office of Communications and Public Liaison (OCPL)
The Office of Communications and Public Liaison advises the Director and communicates information about NIH policies, programs, and research results to the general public. OCPL also encourages broad national public participation in NIH activities, helps to resolve local community concerns, and coordinates how NIH implements the Freedom of Information Act.


Office of Science Policy (OSP)
The Office of Science Policy advises the NIH Director on science policy issues affecting the medical research community; participates in the development of new policy and program initiatives; monitors and coordinates agency planning and evaluation activities; plans and implements a comprehensive science education program; and develops and implements NIH policies and procedures for the safe conduct of recombinant DNA activities.

Office of Legislative Policy and Analysis (OLPA)
The Office of Legislative Policy and Analysis serves as the principal legislative policy, analysis, and development office for the Director and other senior NIH staff; develops legislative policy and proposals; and provides analysis and liaison with Congress, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and other Federal agencies on issues affecting NIH programs and activities.

Administration and Services

Executive Office (ODEO)
The Executive Office serves in both a staff and an operational capacity for all administrative support activities for the Office of the Director (OD), excluding the Office of Research Services.

NIH Ethics Office
The NIH Ethics Office provides oversight and strategic direction of NIH activities relating to ethics policy, oversight, and operational activities; develops and administers the NIH policies and procedures for implementing the Government-wide conflict of interest statutes and regulations, the HHS supplemental conflict of interest regulations, and HHS policies; implements a program for trans-NIH ethics oversight that includes information technology (IT) support systems, periodic reviews, audits, delegations of authority, training, and records management; determines real or potential conflicts of interest and assesses ethical considerations in scientific reporting, clinical trials, and scientific conferences and workshops; and serves as the liaison and coordinates the NIH response to requests from Congress, the Inspector General, HHS, and the Office of Government Ethics, and performs appropriate liaison activities.

Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management (OEODM)
The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management serves as the focal point for NIH-wide policy formulation, implementation, coordination, and management of the civil rights, equal opportunity, affirmative employment, and workforce diversity programs of the NIH.

Office of Management (OM)
The Office of Management advises the NIH Director and staff on all phases of NIH-wide administration and management. The OM includes the following offices:

  • Office of Acquisition and Logistics Management (OALM) advises the NIH Director and staff on acquisition and logistics activities and contract and grant financial advisory services; provides leadership and guidance to NIH components on acquisition and logistics administration and management; and develops/implements policies, provides oversight, and manages the operational components in the areas of acquisition and logistics management.
  • Office of Budget (OB) has primary responsibility for NIH-wide budget policy, planning, analysis, formulation, and presentation. OB is also responsible for budget management once appropriations have been made, including reprogramming and coordination of the use of the Director's Discretionary Fund and transfer authority. OB provides budget advice to the NIH Director and to senior officials within the OD and the NIH Institutes and Centers.
  • Office of Financial Management (OFM) advises the NIH Director and staff and provides leadership and direction for NIH financial management activities; develops policies and instructions for budget preparation and presentation; administers allocation of funds; and manages a system of fund and budgetary controls.
  • Office of Human Resources (OHR) advises the NIH Director and staff on human resource (HR) management; directs HR management services; provides NIH leadership and planning on HR program development, salary administration, corporate recruitment, and other functions; and conducts studies and makes recommendations to senior NIH management for new or redirected HR efforts, programs, and policies, as appropriate.
  • Office of Management Assessment (OMA) provides NIH-wide management of activities/oversight and advice to the NIH Institutes and Centers on management reviews/corrective actions involving program integrity (including fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement reviews), OIG/GAO/Outside review liaison, management control, quality management, risk management, best practices, continuous improvement, regulations, delegations of authority, A-76/FAIR Act, Privacy Act requirements, records and forms management, organizational and functional analysis, NIH manual chapters, and guidance and oversight on the control and safeguarding of classified national security information.
  • Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations (ORF) supports the advancement of NIH scientific and program priorities by planning, designing, constructing, managing, and maintaining state-of-the-science facilities critical to new and expanding research initiatives and the NIH mission. ORF is the single point of accountability for all NIH facility activities and is responsible for assisting the NIH Director with the formulation and execution of the Buildings and Facilities appropriation; developing and maintaining policies and standards governing the use of real property; planning and directing facility-related services such as master planning and construction, renovation, maintenance, and management of real property; providing centralized acquisition services for architecture, engineering, and construction contracting and for real property purchasing and leasing activities; and protecting the NIH environment.
  • Office of Research Services (ORS) provides a comprehensive portfolio of services to support the biomedical research mission of the NIH. Some examples of the diverse services ORS provides include: laboratory safety, security and emergency response, veterinary resources, the NIH Library, events management, travel and transportation, services for foreign scientists, and programs to enrich and enhance the NIH worksite.
  • Office of Strategic Management Planning (OSMP) provides assistance to the NIH leadership with the development and accomplishment of goals and strategic and technical plans for emerging and ongoing human capital programs;  preparation of NIH programs and support activities to achieve the long-term goals of the NIH mission; and implementation, operation, and evaluation of key workforce programs. OSMP develops and accomplishes short- and long-range initiatives through an active and ongoing partnership with the staff of the NIH Office of Human Resources and other NIH components.

Office of the Ombudsman/Center for Cooperative Resolution
The NIH Office of the Ombudsman, Center for Cooperative Resolution provides the NIH community with confidential and informal assistance in resolving work-related conflicts, disputes and grievances; promotes fair and equitable treatment within NIH; offers effective, efficient and innovative dispute resolution services; helps people use non-adversarial approaches in resolving disputes; and works toward improving the overall quality of worklife at NIH.

Program Coordination

Program offices within the Office of the Director are responsible for encouraging and coordinating specific areas of research throughout NIH and for planning and supporting research and related activities. The program offices fund research through the NIH institutes and centers.

Office of AIDS Research (OAR)
The Office of AIDS Research formulates scientific policy, and recommends allocation of research resources, for AIDS research at NIH.

Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR)
The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research advises the NIH Director and other key officials on matters relating to research on the role of human behaviors in the development of health, prevention of disease, and therapeutic intervention. Established by the U.S. Congress as part of the NIH Office of the Director, its mission is to stimulate behavioral and social sciences research throughout NIH and to integrate it more fully into the NIH research enterprise.

Office of Disease Prevention (ODP)
The Office of Disease Prevention coordinates the activities of disease prevention, rare diseases, dietary supplements, and medical applications of research, and advises the NIH Director and senior staff on related matters.

Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH)
The Office of Research on Women's Health promotes, stimulates, and supports efforts to improve the health of women through biomedical and behavioral research. ORWH works in partnership with the NIH Institutes and Centers to ensure that women's health research is part of the scientific framework at NIH and throughout the scientific community.

This page was last reviewed on June 6, 2008 .
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