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Facility Integration Report

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First Report Part 1, July 1998 | Exhibits Only, First Report Part II, July, 1998 : This report analyses 14 systems that were approved for integration between January 1995 and November 1996. It focuses on the processes by which the facilities integrated, the organizational structures of new systems, and selected short-term effects.

Second Report, December 1999: This report adds five more integrated systems to the analysis and focuses on the structures of the integrating systems and the effects of integration on system performance.

Integration of Affiliated VA Medical Centers: Preliminary Report, November 2000: The primary purpose of the study was to examine the impact on the academic missions of three systems with strong affiliations with two medical schools: VA Chicago Health Care System, VA New York Harbor Healthcare System, and VA Boston Healthcare System. The report describes the organizational structures and processes of facility integration, and the role of the primary medical school affiliates in order to identify the key factors affecting integration and its academic impact.

Integration of Affiliated VA Medical Centers: Second Report, June 2002: This report provides brief updates of the integration progress in Chicago and New York Harbor, but focuses on Boston because it made the most extensive organizational changes. The report examines Boston's progress and the challenges it has faced, and offers lessons for other integrating systems.

VA New York Harbor Healthcare System: The Integration of Affiliated VA Medical Centers June 2002 (Revised December 2002): The VA New Harbor Healthcare System (the Harbor) was created in January 1999 with the integration of the Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Shortly after the integration was approved, the Harbor leadership contracted with the HSR&D Management Decision and Research Center to study the process and results of integration. System leaders believed there were lessons to be learned from their experiences in integrating complex, highly affiliated medical centers to a single system.
