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Acquisition Services Management Division: LANL Property Management


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LANL property

Property Accountability Statement FAQ Page

Sign your statement, please . . .

(Note: Most links on this page are for internal LANL use only)

Property Home Page
Click here to sign your statement (Token card required. No token card? Click here.)

Frequently asked questions

How do I access my Property Accountability Statement?

What do we mean by "Personal Accountability?"

I don't believe I should be responsible for some items assigned to me.  What should I do?

What if my property is missing, stolen, or destroyed?

What do I do with excess property I no longer want or need?

Terms and conditions:  What does the "legalese" say?

How do I review my list of property and  sign my statement?

What is the Inventory by Accountability Statement?

Will somebody check up on my accountable property?

Key personal property definitions  Up Arrow

U.S. Government personal property
property number
sensitive property
equipment (also known as "capital" property)

How do I access my Property Accountability Statement?

You must have both a network token card and administrative network access permission. UC employees generally have permission to access the administrative network automatically.  

Contract employees, students, and consultants are eligible with authorization from their line manager. Click here to find out more about getting token cards and network access.

If you have a token card and network access permission, click here to sign your statement.

You can always get help with your Property Accountability Statement from your Property Administrator. LANL Only

What do we mean by "Personal Accountability?"   Up

Every Laboratory worker who uses U.S. Government property for official Lab business is considered a custodian of that property, meaning that he or she is required to protect it from damage, theft, or diversion to personal use (See Administrative Policies and Procedures, section AM701).  Each Lab organization is served by Property Administrators (PAs).  PAs assign property to individual workers, who accept personal responsibility for theri assigned property by signing an accountability statement.

Official Laboratory property management policies and procedures are found in Administrative Manual AM701 (pdf) and in the Property Management Manual, Chapter 3, "Property Control." LANL  Only

I don't believe I should be responsible for some items assigned to me.  What should I do?   Up

The official Accountability Statement web site allows you to to accept accountability for selected line items and reject the other items assigned to you.  

If you do not believe you should be assigned a property item, in your accountability statement page you may uncheck the "accept" box next to the item in question. If possible, please be prepared to provide information  -   such as the name and location of a person who actually has the property   -   to your Property Administrator LANL Only so he or she can quickly assign it to a suitable custodian. The property you reject will remain on your list until custodianship is resolved.  

Contact your Property Administrator LANL Only to for further information.

What if my property is missing, stolen or destroyed?   Up

You must notify your line manager, Audits and Assessments Internal Evaluations group (AA-4) LANL Only at 5-6195,and your PA, within 24 hours or the next business day if your property is lost under suspicious circumstances, stolen, or vandalized. 

Contact a local law enforcement agency if your property is lost , stolen, or vandalized off-site.

Please follow the instructions for the Missing Property Checklist (pdf) , fill it out, and forward it to AA-4 (fax 5-8009, ms A249).

If you have problems locating your property, or in case of unexpected damage or loss where theft or vandalism is not a factor, contact your Property AdministratorLANL Only

What do I do with excess property I no longer want or need?   Up

To arrange for the removal of property you no longer need (excess property), contact your Property Administrator LANL Only .  If your excess property is in good working condition, it may be donated to New Mexico K-12 schools, so please store it properly and keep it together with peripheral equipment, manuals, power cords, etc.

Note: You will remain accountable for your property until it is removed from your care.

If it makes economic sense to dismantle property for parts, you must obtain permission from your line manager and contact your PA LANL Only in advance, stating the reason for the dismantlement.  Again, you will remain accountable for your property until your PA documents the dismantlement and retires it from the property database.

Terms and conditions:  What does the "legalese" say?   UP

"I have been assigned and accept responsibility for the property on the accountability statement as stipulated in the Laboratory's Administrative Manual, Section 701, which includes "exercising the same degree of care that a reasonably prudent person would use to protect his or her property from loss or damage, including misuse and  misappropriations." With the exceptions noted above, I attest that the information on the accountability statement is correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to immediately report any loss, damage, or suspected theft of the property assigned to me to my line manager, Security and Safeguards Division, and my property administrator. I also agree to make the property available for inventory or inspection upon request."

How do I review my list of property and  sign my statement?    UP

There are two ways to sign your accountability statement.

One:  Sign via the Accountability Statement web site LANL Only .  It's fast and easy.  (Token card required)

Two:  Sign a paper copy:  Contact your Property Administrator LANL Only for a paper copy.  Review and confirm your list, write in changes or comments to update the details, such as location,sign and return.

Will somebody check up on my accountable property?   Up

It could happen, and probably will. 

Representatives from Property Management, NNSA, UC, Audits and Assessments Internal Evaluations group LANL Only , and external auditors may physically inspect a random sample of property items from time to time.

Be sure that your list is accurate and complete when you sign your statement, because if any of your items are selected for inspection, you'll be expected to account for them to the validation team.

Sign your statement, please . . .

Sign your statement (Token card required)

Thanks!  We couldn't do it without you!

On behalf of all the property professional at the Lab, Property Management thanks you for your cooperation.

For more information or assistance, contact your Property Administrator LANL Only , e-mail LANL Proeprty Help, or call the Property Help Line at 665-3230.


Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration

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Date Last Modified/Reviewed: Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:21 PM