Mother and Child

AIDS rates among minorities now dwarf those among Whites, with the number of cases per 100,000 at 100.8 for Blacks, 51.0 for Hispanics, and 17.2 for Whites.1

The FDA approves Orasure, an HIV saliva test and the first non-blood based test.2

Randy Shilts, author of And The Band Played On, dies of AIDS.3

AIDS deaths in the United States total 270,870.4

Elizabeth Glaser, cofounder of the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, dies of AIDS.5


HRSA Launches Massive Effort to Disseminate Findings

Findings from the AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) 076 demonstrated that, with a particular regimen of AZT (zidovudine), the chance of perinatal HIV transmission plummeted from 22.6 to 7.6 percent. This finding may represent the most significant victory in the prevention of HIV/AIDS since the discovery that HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids.

In response to ACTG 076, the U.S. Public Health Service convened a workshop on June 6-7, 1994, in Bethesda, Maryland. Recommendations for the use of the regimen in women and infants were developed and later published in August 1994.

The following year, in 1995, HRSA issued a major program advisory entitled “Use of Zidovudine to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission in HRSA Funded Programs,” detailing strategies for carrying out Public Health Service recommendations.


“HRSA’s program advisory regarding reduction in perinatal HIV transmission by use of zidovudine during pregnancy, delivery and in the post natal period ensured that PHS recommendations were rapidly disseminated to HRSA-funded grantees and clinical providers. During the subsequent 2 years, as the PHS recommendations were adopted by HRSA-funded and other clinical care givers, a substantial decrease in mother-to-child transmission rates was documented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and State Health Departments.”

—G. Stephen Bowen, MD, MPH, Director
The Bureau of Health Resources Development, HRSA
at the time of ACTG 076


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