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Library Orientation


NIH Library orientation tours are given upon request. Encourage a colleague to take the tour with you. This free, hour-long tour begins at the NIH Library Information Desk. Orientations include a demonstration of the Library's website with special emphasis on the following resources:
  • Online full-text journals
  • Databases, such as Web of Science® and PubMed®
  • Methods for ordering documents online
  • Online full-text books such as Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and MICROMEDEX®
  • NIH Library online catalog
  • Web forms for requesting Library services
Participants are also shown the shelving locations for materials such as:
  • Current & older journals
  • Selected new journal issues
  • Reference collection
  • Book collection
  • New books
  • Videos
For more information, call Reference & Information Services at 301-496-1080.

       Useful Handouts/Links:

Request Library Orientation



   View All Announcements
Web Search: Thinking Beyond Google   
Jan 15  Jan 29  Feb 12  
EndNote: Managing Your Search Results   
Jan 15  Jan 29  Feb 12  
PubMed: Understanding the Basics   
Jan 15  Feb 12  
  Request a Tutorial

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