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QUOSA Advanced


QUOSA® is a software program that enables researchers in the life sciences to retrieve full articles, organize their literature collections, and perform powerful full-text searches. It functions as a reference, full-text and image database, an online search tool, and along with citation management software, serves as a bibliography and manuscript maker. This class explores the advanced QUOSA functions including: Concepts4Clustering™, Algorithm settings and the Virtual Library. Currently, the following NIH Institutes have institute-wide subscriptions to the QUOSA software: NCI, NIAID, NEI, NINDS, and NICHD. Institutes with licenses may download QUOSA from the QUOSA Downloads site. Researchers already using QUOSA are encouraged to check the site for updates. QUOSA access is available on a limited basis, (i.e., specific labs, offices or branches) at the following institutes: NIMH, NHGRI, NHLBI, NIDDK, NCRR, NIAMS, and NIBIB. Check with your administrative officer or information technology office for information on whether or not your office has access to the QUOSA package.

       Useful Handouts/Links:

  • QUOSA main site
  • QUOSA demos
    • Demos include:
    • Full Article Retrieval
    • Sync & Link with citation manager
    • Short Introduction to QUOSA with OVID
    • Extended Introduction to QUOSA with OVID
  • QUOSA help



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Web Search: Thinking Beyond Google   
Jan 15  Jan 29  Feb 12  
EndNote: Managing Your Search Results   
Jan 15  Jan 29  Feb 12  
PubMed: Understanding the Basics   
Jan 15  Feb 12  
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