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Finite Element Heat and Mass Transfer Code (FEHM)

FEHM is a numerical simulation code for subsurface transport processes. It models 3-D, time-dependent, multiphase, multicomponent, nonisothermal, reactive flow through porous and fractured media. It can accurately represent complex 3-D geologic media and structures and their effects on subsurface flow and transport. FEHM has been used to simulate groundwater and contaminant flow and transport in deep and shallow, fractured and un-fractured porous media throughout the US DOE complex.


• 3-D
• flow of gas, water, oil and heat
• flow of air, water, and heat
• flow of CO2, water, and heat
• simulation of gas hydrates
• multiple chemically reactive and sorbing tracers
• finite element/finite volume formulation
• coupled stress module
• saturated and unsaturated media
• preconditioned conjugate gradient solution of coupled linear equations
• fully implicit, fully coupled Newton Raphson solution of nonlinear equations
• double porosity and double porosity/double permeability capabilities
• complex geometries with unstructured grids

User Documentation

User documentation can be viewed and printed below using a postscript viewer, such as image tool; a postscript file can be obtained through our anonymous ftp account.

 "Users Manual for the FEHM Application"
 "Models and Methods Summary for the FEHM Application"

Validation and Verification Reports

Validation and Verification Reports can be viewed and printed below using a Adobe Acrobat viewer, such as image tool; a postscript file can be obtained through our anonymous ftp account.

 "V&V Plan and Procedures for the FEHM Application"
 "V&V Report for the FEHM Application"

Other Publications

• List of Peer Reviewed FEHM Publications, "List of FEHM Publications"

• George A. Zyvoloski and Bruce A. Robinson, "Fracture Flow, Transport, and Dual Permeability Models at Yucca Mountain, Nevada"
• Bruce A. Robinson, Andy V. Wolfsberg, George A. Zyvoloski, and Carl W. Gable, "Yucca Mountain Project Retardation Sensitivity Analysis Activities"

FEHM Code Development Team

• George A. Zyvoloski, FEHM Code Development Team Leader, gaz@lanl.gov
• Bruce A. Robinson, Transport and particle tracking, robinson@lanl.gov
• Rajesh J. Pawar, CO2 and Methane Hydrate, rajesh@lanl.gov
• Hari S. Viswanathan, Transport, viswana@lanl.gov
• Elizabeth H. Keating, Fluid flow and solute transport, ekeating@lanl.gov
• Philip H. Stauffer, Multiphase flow and transport, stauffer@lanl.gov Stauffer CV
• Sharad Kelkar, Particle Tracking, kelkar@lanl.gov
Andrew V. Wolfsberg, Fluid flow and solute transport, awolf@lanl.gov
• Zora V. Dash, Configuration control, verification, distribution and installation, zvd@lanl.gov

FEHM Licensing, Distribution, and Installation

An executable of FEHM90 may be obtained, at no cost, for most UNIX platforms and PCs. Simply register online at http://eesext.lanl.gov/fehm/ or send a written description of your project, the type of computer platform, and a signed software licence agreement form (below) to:

Zora V. Dash, MS T003, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, zvd@lanl.gov.

 University/Commercial Software License Agreement Form
 U.S. Government Agency Software License Agreement Form

Auxiliary Grid-Generating Programs

Mesh generation for geological applications in a format for an FEHM
input file by interfacing to the LaGriT Grid Generation ToolBox.
GRIDDER: A rectangular grid generator creates structured grids in the format
for an FEHM input file.e.

Auxiliary Grid Viewing Programs

GMV, General Mesh Viewer is an easy to use, 3-D scientific visualization tool designed to view simulation data from any type of structured or unstructured mesh.


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