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Management Analysis and Services Office
Management Analysis and Policy Branch

(1) Provides management and oversight of CDC Federal Advisory Committees that provide advice to the CDC Director and the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Facilitate logistics and general committee support of scientific and programmatic peer review of research, applications and cooperative agreements for grant support and contracts; (2) provides consultation and assistance to CDC program officials on the establishment, modification, or abolishment of organizational structures and functions; reviews and analyzes organizational changes; and develops documents for approval by appropriate CDC or HHS officials; (3) manages the internal controls program for CDC in consultation with the Financial Management Office (FMO). Includes creating, maintaining and diffusing internal controls guidance, co-chairing and administering the CDC senior assessment team (and serving as the team’s interface with executive management) , serving as the CDC focal point for assessing risk, facilitating and overseeing CDC’s scheduling, testing and review of internal controls, reporting on the control environment, and overseeing CDC compliance with OMB Circular A-123 and the management and internal controls guidance within the Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act. With FMO, co-manages the process for developing and finalizing the components of the Annual Assurance Statement signed by the Director, CDC; (4) conducts management studies for CDC to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of management and administrative processes; (5) serves as the CDC office of record for delegations of authority. Interprets, analyzes, and makes recommendations concerning delegations and redelegations of program and administrative authorities, and develops appropriate delegating documents; (6) manages the CDC policy program, including the policy issuance system, policy development, dissemination, and policy advisory services; interprets HHS and other federal directives and assesses their impact on CDC policy. Maintains the official CDC library of administrative management policy and procedures manuals; (7) addresses policy gaps though periodic comprehensive administrative policy reviews and benchmarking; (8) manages the CDC records program, which includes providing technical assistance in developing new records schedules, transferring records, storing records, and administering electronic records. Serves as the agency liaison to the National Archives and Records Administration; (9) provides advice and consultation in implementing most efficient organizations resulting from competitive sourcing decisions. (Approved 1/20/06)

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