Inventors > Response

Invention Promoter's Name: Invent-Tech

Complainant's Name: Terry Simpson


Mail Stop 24
Commissioner of Patents
Inventors Assistance Program
P.O. Box 1450
Arlington, VA 222313-1450

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is a reply to the complaint filed against Invention Technologies, Inc. by its former client, Terry Simpson. It is important to understand that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) did not issue the complaint to which this reply is directed, nor does the USPTO state that the allegations in the instant complaint are true. Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 297(d) (1), the USPTO is required to make all complaints received by the Patent and Trademark Office involving invention promotions publicly available. The USPTO, in a June 18, 2008 correspondence to Invention Technologies, Inc., stated that, “The USPTO has not and will not investigate factual allegations of the enclosed complaint.” Further, the USPTO has not taken any disciplinary measures, nor filed any criminal charges against Invention Technologies, Inc. regarding the instant complaint.

Invention Technologies, Inc. (Invent-Tech) is deeply committed to its clients’ satisfaction. Accordingly, Invent- Tech is diligent in its effort to resolve any legitimate dispute, and takes very seriously the filing of any and all complaints against the company. Invent-Tech is genuinely disappointed to know that Mr. Simpson feels his experience with our company has been anything less than positive. Invention Technologies, Inc. has performed all obligations due to Mr. Simpson, and has not made misrepresentations in the course of its business relationship. Mr. Simpson’s contractual relationship with Invention Technologies, Inc. ended years before he decided to file the instant complaint. The contractual time period for Mr. Simpson to obtain a refund has long expired. Mr. Simpson signed and acknowledged the fact that refunds are only offered for a limited time. Invention Technologies, Inc.’s records indicate that Mr. Simpson’s has received, approved, and made use of numerous valuable services. Mr. Simpson’s invention was represented at numerous trade shows, numerous manufactures were contacted, and Mr. Simpson received press release, a DVD presentation, a digital rendition illustration, and a website. Invent-Tech made no guarantees that Mr. Simpson’s invention would be profitable, and it rejects Mr. Simpson’s claims that Invent-Tech was anything less than honest throughout the course of our dealings. Mr. Simpson makes only vague, unfounded accusations, and offers no proof or specific instances. Mr. Simpson signed numerous documents indicating that he was informed of specific instances. Mr. Simpson signed numerous documents indicating that he was informed of all of the risks associated with development of a new product. Mr. Simpson signed an affirmative disclosure statement on 8/15/02, in which Invent-Tech affirmatively informed Mr. Simpson, “you should be aware that the promotion of intellectual property and the sale of ideas is highly speculative; the prospect of any one invention or idea obtaining financial success is extremely low.” Invention Technologies, Inc. states that Mr. Simpson’s complaint is without merit.

Invention-Technologies, Inc.

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