USDA Forest Service

Tongass National Forest

Photo of a taxiing float plane.
About The Tongass
Caves and Karst
Visitor Centers
Visitor Programs
Wildlife Viewing
Winter Recreation
Chugach National Forest
Alaska Region
Forest Service Headquarters
Evaluate Our Service
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Tongass National Forest
Federal Building
648 Mission Street
Ketchikan, AK 99901

(907) 225-3101
(907) 228-6222 (TTY)

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Web Manager

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Recreational Activities

You own a forest the size of West Virginia, a glimmering rain forest full of glaciers, spectacular scenery, mountains, waterways, and thousands of islands separated by straits and channels. Over 400 species of terrestrial and marine wildlife, fish, and shellfish abound. Some species, such as the bald eagle and the brown bear, endangered in other parts of the United States, thrive in your forest.

The Tongass National Forest offers outstanding recreation opportunities, some very different from anything you'll experience in national forests in the lower 48 states.

You can camp in a campground - or in a cabin. You can hike through dense forest, alpine meadow, or on a wooden trail through peat bogs called muskegs. You can explore world-class caves. You can enjoy salt water fjords and unending waterways by canoe or kayak, your own motor or sail boat, charter boat, ferry, or cruise ship. You can watch bears, eagles, whales, and countless other critters in their natural settings. You can visit glaciers by land or sea. And of course, you can fish - fresh or salt water, everything from herring to trout to salmon to halibut. For a real Alaskan experience, visit the Tongass.

Spend some time browsing...give yourself a tour of the Tongass National Forest. Enjoy learning more about recreation in your national forest. But do more than just learn about us. Please come visit. We look forward to seeing you out there!

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USDA Forest Service - Tongass National Forest
Last Modified: November 07, 2008

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