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EES Division is organized into six groups of capabilities-based expertise and the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP). Two EES groups are located at remote facilities: EES-7 is in Las Vegas and supports the Yucca Mountain Program, and EES-12 is located in Carlsbad and provides senior technical advice for Transuranic (TRU) waste characterization and is associated with the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP). An Organizational Chart can be located at http://int.lanl.gov/organization.

Scientific advice is provided by the Science and Engineering Leadership Team (SELT). The vision for SELT is “To help EES technical staff become more effective at obtaining research and development funds.”

EES-2, Atmospheric, Climate and Environmental Dynamics

The broad research portfolio of this group encompasses much of the Laboratory’s research expertise in the atmospheric, ocean, and ecohydrologic sciences. The primary capabilities of the group are modeling and simulation and field measurements and data analysis. The group’s current projects include climate/environmental monitoring, atmospheric and ocean processes, weapons phenomenology, surface/vadose zone hydrology, terrestrial ecosystems, terrestrial carbon cycling, and retrospective dosimetry. The group maintains an ecological research park, as well as optical luminescence, infrasonic and laser research laboratories, and greenhouse facilities.

EES-6, Hydrology, Geochemistry and Geology

The group’s computational, experimental, and observational approaches underpin major capabilities in geology, geochemistry, earth and planetary materials, subsurface flow and transport, and self-organizing systems. The Geochemistry and Geomaterials Research Laboratory (GGRL) is the centerpiece of the group’s experimental and analytical research effort. The GGRL is used for a variety of experiments such as colloidal transport, capture of CO2 from air, and thermal stability of minerals.

EES-7, Geotechnical Engineering and Research

The geotechnical staff in the group provide a sole-source, comprehensive resource for concept refinement, prediction, detailed planning, data collection systems, and implementation of underground and surface geotechnical testing and system installations through their role as the lead of the Yucca Mountain Project Test Coordination Office. The group’s expertise supports geologic, seismic, volcanic, hydrologic, hydrogeologic, geophysical, and geochemical field tests; monitoring experiments; and sample management involving the national laboratories, USGS, other units of government and universities.

EES-9, Environmental Geology and Spatial Analysis

EES Division's Environmental Geology and Spatial Analysis Group focuses on the study of uncertainties associated with complex natural environmental systems and finding solutions to problems that arise as the result of human activities. The group’s technical and decision support capabilities are often applied within the context of regulatory policy. The group's capabilities include: volcanic and seismic hazards, geomorphology and surface processes, geochemistry, geographic information systems, environmental modeling and risk assessment, and quality assurance and data validation.

EES-11, Geophysics

The Geophysics Group conducts basic and applied research in support of the Laboratory’s missions in National Security, Energy Security, and Basic Science. Work includes: processing and interpreting geophysical and geological data for the national ground-based nuclear explosion monitoring program; development and application of computational tools and experimental methods for predicting the response of geological materials to large and rapid deformations; conducting basic and applied research in wave propagation, seismic imaging, scattering, and the interaction of acoustic waves with rock mass structure, fabric, and pore fluids; developing advanced drilling methods and tools for drilling operations for the LANL Environmental Restoration Project and for oil exploration for National Energy Security; and offering geology/geophysics, expertise in the geologic phenomena associated with explosion dynamics both subsurface and above ground, and intelligence gathering and interpretation using remote sensing techniques for National Defense strategies.

EES-12, Carlsbad Operations

This group supports the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) and the DOE Carlsbad Field Office (CBFO) by providing technical and programmatic support to the CBFO solutions and developing plans and processes to improve efficiencies related to Transuranic (TRU) waste management and disposal. The group’s staff also addresses scientific issues in actinide chemistry and repository science as they arise, particularly if they impact certification and performance, and serving as the acceptable knowledge expert focused on certifying TRU waste from the DOE complex. EES-12 also manages and operates, on behalf of the CBFO, the Mobile Loading program for Transuranic Waste shipments to WIPP and intersite shipments between DOE locations.

The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP)

EES includes the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP). IGPP at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is a branch of the University of California’s Systemwide Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics. Its mission is to promote and coordinate basic research on the understanding of the origin, structure, and evolution of the Earth, the Solar System, and the Universe, and to develop the science base to predict future changes as they affect human life. As part of the mission, IGPP at LANL is committed to promoting and supporting high quality, cutting edge science in the areas of astrophysics, space physics, solid planetary geoscience, and complex dynamical earth systems.


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