News Release

December 02, 2008

Kenai Winter Access Plan
for Winter Motorized Use

Details of winter motorized use on Chugach National Forest land on the eastern Kenai Peninsula.

The decision was shaped by extensive public collaboration. In 2004 the Forest began holding public meetings in order to discuss non-motorized and motorized use in the area. A decision was reached using ideas generated in the public meetings, through written input, and interdisciplinary team meetings. Joe Meade, Chugach National Forest Supervisor, believes the decision strikes a delicate but important balance of desire, interest, and opportunity. Significant review of citizen interests has been incorporated striving to address a blend of non-motorized, motorized, lifestyle, and natural quiet opportunities across the Forest.

Key Features of the new Motorized Plan:

Non-motorized areas:

  • increased primarily in the Summit, Russian, Snow River, and Tiehack/Mt. Alice

Motorized Areas

  • The entire Carter/Crescent, Hope, and Ptarmigan/Grant units and the majority of Lost Lake, Johnson Pass, and Tern Lake units are motorized.

Season A/Season B

  • Resurrection and West Resurrection Units are managed by a December 1st—April 30th season alternates between motorized and non-motorized use. 2007-2008 winter season is motorized, 2008-2009 winter season is non-motorized.

Non-motorized Access Corridors

  • Two proposed corridors, in the Carter/Crescent and Lost Lake units.

Motorized Community Access

  • Portions of National Forest System lands in the Tern Lake, Russian, and Summit units allow for motorized access between the communities of Copper Landing and Moose Pass. For more information on the plan, please click here or read the Forest Order governing motorized use on the Kenai.

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