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Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2007 (PDF - 4 pages - 181.99 KB)
This report presents information on the apprehension, detention, return and removal of foreign nationals during fiscal year 2007.
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2007 (PDF - 7 pages - 258 KB)
This report provides estimates of the unauthorized immigrant population residing in the United States as of January 2007 for periods of entry and leading countries of birth and states of residence.
Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2007 (PDF, 10 pages - 297 KB)
This report examines the number and characteristics of nonimmigrant admissions in fiscal year 2007.
Data on Nonimmigrant Admissions.
Access data on nonimmigrant admissions by class, country, and other characteristics for fiscal year 2007.
Refugees and Asylees: 2007 (PDF, 6 pages - 413 KB)
This report presents information on the number and characteristics of persons admitted as refugees or granted asylum to the United States in fiscal year 2007.
Data on Refugees and Asylees.
Access data on persons admitted as refugees or granted asylum in fiscal year 2007 by several characteristics.
2007 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics
The Yearbook is a compendium of tables that provides data on foreign nationals who, during fiscal year 2007, were granted lawful permanent residence, were admitted into the United States on a temporary basis, applied for asylum or refugee status, or were naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration law enforcement actions.
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This page was last reviewed/modified on December 11, 2008.