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About burning header

• Who Needs a Burn Permit, Who Does Not
Make sure you know whether you need a burn permit or not.

• Campfire and Outdoor Burning Tips
The burning of logs, brush, charcoal, and other similar materials for the purpose of food preparation or recreation does not require a permit under the State of Michigan Forest Fire Law. Other local laws may apply, always check first.

• Laws, Safety and Alternatives
Burn permits are not required for household waste burned in a properly constructed burn barrel or home incinerator. Each year the leading cause of wildland fires is burning debris. Please be sure you follow these guidelines to assure your safety.

• Large Scale Extended Burning Requiring a Blanket Burn Permits
Ongoing burns for construction and land clearing, roadway maintenance, and uncertified party's performing prescribed burns without a written plan require a burn permit issued by the local DNR Fire Manager.

Apply for a burn permit header

• Applying Online
Residential burning permit for vegetation and rakings.

• City, Town, Village and County Restrictions
This is a Map of the counties with Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations and local controls that determine whether or not you can burn in certain areas. Check your County, town, city or village for restrictions.

• Contact Your Local DNR Fire Manager

Related Resource head, small version

• DEQ Open Burning Information

• Recycling Resources

• Fire Weather

• Michigan Prescribed Fire Council

• Great Lakes Forest Fire Compact

• Michigan Interagency Wildland Fire Protection Assoc.

• Daily National Situation Report PDF icon

Officers and authorities header

• Burn Permit Record PR4254 PDF icon

• Local Dispatch Login

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