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Victim Stories

Taking advantage of the elderly…
Be it the internet or by phone or in the mail - it all is the same when it comes to fraudulent offers from unscrupulous manipulators of the con game. My mother, before she died, was victim to these cons on more occasions that I even know… ›› more

I should have listened to my head instead of my heart…
I should have listened to my head instead of my heart. Too good to be true? Yep. I was pulled right in. "He" knew what to say and how to say it. He found my vulnerabilities and used them to the max… ›› more

I actually met the person, whom I had been talking to on-line, in Paris…
I met someone on a dating site and actually went to paris to meet him for vacation. He was a dream guy. Spent a week like a honeymoon. Then he wanted to come to the usa and tried to get a visitor visa… ›› more

Social Security Refund…
I keep getting these calls from different people claiming to be from the Social Security Office. They say I'm eligible for a refund of $500 a month for the next six months… ›› more

Refund checks…
I got a phone call from an "IRS" representative notifying me that i am due a refund, all i had to do was furnish my account information and they would send an additional direct deposit of $2220.00 to my account… ›› more

Pay a fee to receive millions…
I have received various e-mails from people overseas asking me to be the party to receive payment of money Mr. Hussain has left in a bank in Korea. I have been contacted 2x as well as by other sad stories of how a missionary's wife has all this money she wishes to give… ›› more

Someone you don't know wants to send you hundreds of thousands of dollars…
I was contacted by an individual in Abidjan, Cote D Ivoire regarding a bank draft for $400,000.00USD to be delivered to me in the US (Miami, FL). According the attorney in Abidjan, I must send a service fee $200.00USD, plus insurance for the draft of $1,000USD… ›› more

You've been approved for an auto loan…
A company located in Flagstaff, AZ will notify you by email regarding a car loan. They then apporve your loan and ask you to set up an account due to problem credit. They state that after 12 timely payments they will either refund your monies back to you or apply them to the car loan… ›› more

I did my research and still got scammed on a loan…
Recently I was involved in a scam with a company pretending to be a loan company that went in search of a lender that would lend money to people with bad credit. To make a really long story short I was naiive and ended up wiring a total of $2,350.00 to Canada… ›› more

Suspicious horse buyer for charity or the unthinkable…
I can't verify 100% it's a fraud, so can't file a complaint, but there's a VERY suspicious "buyer" on a horse site representing as needing therapeudic horses for needy kids… ›› more

Discounted gift cards…
I went to an Internet sight that bought and sold gift cards at a discount where you could purchase a $50 gift card for 8% - 21% discount to popular merchants. I mailed in my order, along with my check… ›› more

Fraudulent publisher…
Beware publishing firms with too good to be true offers. I found one on the internet and responded. They assured me that they could publish my book and sell it for me as well as setting up book signings… ›› more

Charged double on an on-line order…
I have been victimized by an Internet scam. I cannot believe that it happened to me because I am a very careful person! Well, the good news is that I did not lose a lot of money; the bad news is that these guys continue to cheat… ›› more

Compromised bank account…
Several months ago, I got a computer virus, which I thought I got rid of. I check my bank account almost DAILY. One day, I tried to access my account and it wouldn't let me in (I typed in the adresse, manually, not by link). It took me to a website which made me "resubmit" my info for security reasons… ›› more

Victim jailed for participating in a work-at-home scam…
I am on disability and I don't have a car. I was looking for extra money for the month, because I don't receive a lot of money from disability. So when an email came to me offering me a job that I could work from home I jumped at the chance… ›› more

Too good to be true job offer…
I have just received this "too good to be true" E-mail. The scam E-mail follows right after this sentence: "While we may have high expectations of our associates, we also give them high rewards… ›› more

Need a job, not this one…
I want to warn people about the job offer of a company rep that has nothing to do with shipping products or anything. They ask you to be an accountant. To receive payments from American customers… ›› more

Mystery shopper…
I received a letter from a company out of Barrie, Ontario. The letter included a evaluation form, a letter expaining the code of conduct and a check made out to me for $2,490.00… ›› more

A buyer and professional shipper…
I had some wheels for sale and was contacted by a person who claimed to want to purchase them. She was having her "secretary" over night me the funds… ›› more

Someone from another country wants to send me more than the amount they owe…
I thought I could be smart and fell into a trap anyway. I was contacted about giving dance lessons from a girl that supposedly works in a club in the UK. She asked me how long would it take for her to learn the dance style I teach… ›› more

Fell for the lottery scam, now in debt…
I recently fell victim to a lottery scam from Canada and now I'm $3800.00 in debt to my bank. Currently being unemployed I receive this job offer for a payment manager/financial coordinator… ›› more

No lottery scam victim here…
In early Sept, my husband and I received a scam letter for Lottery winnings. Even though we were suspicious, my husband told them to send us the "check" for the prize fee. We were sent a check for $3,720.00… ›› more

Slick cashier…
Several years ago I selected an expensive sofa along with a few smaller decorative items at a large furniture/appliance store here in Omaha. The cashier ask me for my credit card, my drivers' license… ›› more

Who's who…
I received a letter that stated that I was being considered for inclusion into a Who's Who registry for executives and professionals. They sent the letter to my work address… ›› more

Fraudulent travel web site…
I recently found that I had lost $284 to a travel company in Honolulu, Hawaii. When I originally discovered the website and information about discount tickets to events in Hawaii, it seemed very plausible and on the up and up… ›› more

Apartment for rent at an unbelievable low rate…
Someone listed my apartment on-line, using my name and actual apartment address. The rental offer was "too good to be true" - very cheap. The perpetrator then waits for people to respond… ›› more

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