Adult Education State Allotments - Fiscal Year 2000 Appropriations

Program Memorandum

Date: February 3, 2000
To: State Directors of Adult Education
From: Patricia W. McNeil
Assistant Secretary
Office of Vocational and Adult Education
Subject : Adult Education State Allotments - Fiscal Year 2000 Appropriations

Enclosed are the FY 2000 State allotments for the Adult Education Basic Grants Program for the State eligible agencies. These allotments will become available July 1, 2000 (Program Year 2000 to June 30, 2001)

Grants will be forwarded to State eligible agencies following: (1) approval of the new State Plan (if a 5-year plan has not been previously approved by the Department); (2) maintenance of effort determination that the fiscal effort per student or the aggregate expenditures of such eligible agency for adult education and literacy activities, in the second preceding fiscal year, was not less than 90 percent of the fiscal effort per student or the aggregate expenditures of such eligible agency for adult education and literacy activities, in the third preceding fiscal year (Sec. 241 of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)); (3) agreement on eligible agency adjusted levels of performance for the core indicators (Section 212(b)(3) of AEFLA); and, (4) receipt of annual certification of documents.

The allotment table for FY 2000 reflects: (1) the 1.72% that was set aside for incentive grants to States as designated in section 211(a)(3) of AEFLA (this percentage was taken from the total Adult Education FY 2000 appropriation which included Basic State Grants, NIFL and National Activities); and, (2) the $25.5 million that was reserved for English Literacy/Civics grants (this set aside was designated by Congress in the FY2000 Appropriations Bill). The $25.5 million will be provided to States separately as required by the FY 2000 appropriations act.

The FY 2000 allotment table also include the provisions covering set asides for the competition for outlying areas described in section 211(e) of AEFLA and the Hold-Harmless provisions of Sec. 211 (f) for Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau.

If you have any questions concerning the status of your grant, please contact your Area Coordinator. You may also find useful information on our web site at


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Last Modified: 09/02/2003