Refuge Planning
Northeast Region

Wapack National Wildlife Refuge
Comprehensive Conservation Planning

Latest News in Developing the CCP
We are pleased to announce that we have released our final comprehensive conservation plan (CCP). This final document represents two years of work among federal and state agencies, local communities, and local and regional conservation organizations. Click here to view our latest newsletter with highlights of the final plan.  

How to Access the Documents
The final document is available to view or download by accessing either its individual chapters and appendixes, or the document in its entirety.

These files are at a lower resolution than the print or cd-rom versions of the document in order to reduce the file sizes and facilitate on-line viewing or downloading. As a result, the quality of the many maps and photos may not be as clear as you would like. Please request the print or cd-rom version if you would like a higher resolution.

(***Click here for a list of .pdf files available for download***)


How to Obtain the Document on Hard Copy or Cd-Rom
If you would like to obtain the document on cd-rom or hard copy, or if you have any questions on the planning process please contact:

Nancy McGarigal
Planning Team Leader
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
300 Westgate Center Dr.
Hadley, MA 01035
Phone: 413/253-8562

Please identify “Wapack CCP” in the subject line if you send an email.

Last updated: December 18, 2008