CDC's 7 Healthcare Safety Challenges

Released: August 23, 2001

In 5 Years, the CDC's Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion (DHQP) plans on accomplishing these seven challenges:

Challenge 1:
Reduce catheter-associated adverse events by 50% among patients in healthcare settings

Challenge 2:
Reduce targeted surgical adverse events by 50%

Challenge 3:
Reduce hospitalizations and mortality from respiratory tract infections among long-term care patients by 50%

Challenge 4:
Reduce targeted antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections by 50% by:
• preventing infections
• diagnosing and treating infections appropriately
• optimizing antimicrobial use, and
• preventing transmission in healthcare settings

Challenge 5:
Eliminate laboratory errors leading to adverse patient outcomes

Challenge 6:
Eliminate occupational needlestick injuries among healthcare personnel

Challenge 7:
Achieve 100% adherence to ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) guidelines for immunization of healthcare personnel

Date last modified: August 23, 2001
Content source: 
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion (DHQP)
National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases