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University of Illinois at Chicago

Grant Title: Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disorders Training Program

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Project Director(s):

Ann  Cutler, MD
University of Illinois at Chicago
MB 502, M/C 551 DHD 1640 W. Roosevelt Road
Chicago, IL 60608-1316
(312) 413-1849
Email: acutler@uic.edu


In response to HRSA-08-148 the Institute on Disability and Human Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago in partnership with the University of Chicago, Rush University, The Autism Program of Illinois, and several community agencies will facilitate the development of a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities Program in Illinois. Children with special healthcare needs experience poorer health that could be addressed more effectively if their health care providers had adequate knowledge and resources available. With focus on the Healthy People 2010 Objectives of health promotion, prevention of secondary conditions, and elimination of disparities between people with and without disabilities, as well as the Combating Autism Act of 2006, the following goals and objectives have been developed: Goal 1: Increase the number of health professionals with advanced competencies in addressing key issues affecting individuals with DD/ASD and their families. (a) Provide discipline specific clinical and leadership training to 37 graduate-level (intermediate and advanced) and at least one post-doctoral level student; and (b) Provide at least 400 graduate students and professionals the opportunity to participate in leadership and ID issues training. Goal 2: Increase state capacity to address the health care and programmatic needs of children with ASD/DD and related disabilities. (a) Collaborate with Illinois’ TAP (The Autism Program) Great Lakes ADA Center, The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability (NCPAD), and the Rehabilitation and Training Center (RTC) to conduct a minimum of 40 statewide and community training events for a minimum of 2,000 participants; and (b) Produce a minimum of two Spanish language training materials on ASD/DD and offer a minimum of four cultural competency training events each year. Goal 3: Faculty Development through a structured program of continuing education support. (a) Provide continuing education opportunities that can directly impact MCH LEND project activities; and (b) Conduct an annual faculty/staff retreat for selfassessment, needs identification, and updating strategic plans to maintain the highest quality MCH LEND training. Goal 4: Provide ongoing technical assistance to Title V and related local/regional/national organizations. (a) Provide a minimum of 2,000 hours of technical assistance to a minimum of 500 professionals and family members as well as 750 hours of individually tailored technical assistance and consultation to a minimum of 25 Title V or related agencies/organizations; and (b) Submit a minimum of 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, books or chapters.


Quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods will be used to measure recruitment issues, staff commitment, trainee participation (including trainees that are members of underserved minority groups), and overall program quality and outcomes.