Community Programs Office  
December 2007, Issue No. 33

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Happy December!

The holiday season often brings out the best in us, and LANL employees are living up to that adage again this year. We're closing out our most successful United Way campaign ever; we've distributed turkeys, hams, and other food to neighbors who might have gone without; and we're working right now to provide holiday gifts that will brighten the season for many others.

It's been a busy, challenging year for all of us at the Laboratory, and it's been a joy to see staff and management at LANL find the time and resources to make a difference in the lives of our families, friends, and neighbors in northern New Mexico.

Happy Holidays from the staff at LANL's Community Programs Office!

Johnnie Martinez

LANL Workforce Restructuring  
The National Nuclear Security Administration has formally approved a site-specific plan for restructuring the workforce at Los Alamos National Laboratory, which includes as its first phase, a Self- Selection Program for which eligible employees may apply.

Should you have any questions, please contact Johnnie Martinez at 665-4400 or

Record amount raised by LANL employees for United Way  
LANL employees once again demonstrated their concern for the local communities and those in need by contributing a record dollar amount to United Way of Northern New Mexico and United Way of Santa Fe County.

This year's total pledges were $844,000. Los Alamos National Security, LLC, (LANS) will match the amount dollar-for-dollar.

With the LANS match included, LANL employees raised nearly $1.7 million in pledges and donations. That is $100,000 more than was donated last year.

"Our Los Alamos employees can take pride in this accomplishment," said Johnnie Martinez acting director of the LANL Community Programs Office. "Once again, Laboratory personnel have shown through their generosity that their community is important to them and that they are eager to help those around them."

Although the campaign ended last week, some employees continue to make pledges and donations. The employee contributions fund a number of social service provider agency programs and services in Santa Fe and northern New Mexico.

Lab's Thanksgiving Holiday Food Drive a success  
Thanks to the generosity of numerous Laboratory employees, many northern New Mexicans were provided with turkeys, hams, and all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal.

Over 400 turkeys and hams were collected from various Laboratory sites and sent to the San Martin de Porres Soup Kitchen in Espanola for distribution to families in need. This was the first of several drives organized by the Community Programs Office in time for the holidays

Other upcoming programs include the Adopt-a-Family campaign, LANL Laces, and the Gift Tag program. These employee giving programs help the Laboratory share its generosity with those who otherwise may not have gifts to open during the holiday season.

Venture Acceleration Fund Round 2  
Thanks to the LANS Venture Acceleration Fund (VAF), two more companies will further develop their LANL technologies for commercialization. A call for proposals in July resulted in 36 responses. Packet Analytics and Knowledge Reef Systems Inc., both Santa Fe-based companies, were awarded $100,000 each.

Packet Analytics is in the midst of an aggressive plan to commercialize both DiSARM and NetHead, two software technologies developed by and licensed from LANL. The VAF award will allow Packet Analytics to accelerate the process of commercializing these technologies, which are used to analyze network security data and generate additional investments.

Knowledge Reef Systems Inc., a recent LANL spin-off, is currently negotiating licenses for two LANL technologies, KnowledgeZone and Multi-Relational Networks for Media Distribution. Knowledge Reef will use its VAF funding to develop the prototype for an advanced, knowledge-powered, social networking service platform to spur the creation of a new category of online knowledge communities.

The LANS VAF was established in June 2006, based on the success of LANL's internal Technology Maturation Fund. Its purpose is to support external projects that facilitate the creation and growth of regional businesses based on LANL technology or expertise. LANS VAF will allocate $350,000 per calendar year.

Espanola Chamber moves to Convento  
The Espanola Valley Chamber of Commerce recently moved its offices into the Espanola Mision y Convento, which is located near the historic Bond House. According to Chamber Director (and Espanola Mayor Pro Tem) Alice Lucero, the move allows the Chamber to provide tours of the Mision Museum and the Bond House. It will also allow the Chamber to work more closely with the City of Espanola, which recently signed a professional services agreement that provides for the Chamber to have rent-free space in return for providing docents for the Mision and Bond House and aiding in the advertisement and promotion of the Espanola Valley.

The new chamber address is at Numero Uno Calle de las Espanolas, Suite F and G. The Chamber is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Going green one bus at a time  
If you live or travel through Santa Fe or Espanola you may be wondering why there are a lot of bright blue buses along the way. The buses are part of the North Central Regional Transit District (NCRTD) that provides transportation within northern New Mexico at a minimal cost. Transportation routes are within and between Questa, Taos, Penasco, Espanola, and Santa Fe.

For those of you who work or live in Los Alamos, you'll see that the former "LA Buses" are displaying new signs as "Atomic City Buses." This transportation system was recently taken over by Los Alamos County. Beginning December 10, the bus system will have new routes which will add all day service to residential neighborhoods between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Scholarship applications being accepted  
The Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation is accepting applications for the 2008 Los Alamos Employees' Scholarship Fund. Applications will be evaluated on academic performance, leadership potential, critical thinking skills, and career goals relevant to Laboratory or community needs.

Students who have a desire to pursue a degree in a science-related field or other fields important to the success of northern New Mexico will be given priority consideration for the top awards.

Northern New Mexico residents who are--or will be--attending an accredited post-secondary education institution are eligible to apply. The deadline to submit an application is January 22, 2008.

For more information, contact Jeff Franken at the Laboratory Foundation at (505) 753-8890.

Community Kudos
  • Kudos to LANL employees, students, postdocs and contractors who generously supported the "Take a Turkey to Work Day."

Education Kudos

  • Kudos to the 28 NNM teachers who will complete their master of arts degree in teaching. The teachers represent rural schools and are the first to complete an intensive two-year graduate program in partnership with the Northern New Mexico Math and Science Academy program and New Mexico State University.

Community Calendar  

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