Community Programs Office  
September 2006, Issue No. 18

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September--Can you believe it?

We can all breathe a deep sigh of relief. At long last, our region has been blessed with a good northern New Mexico monsoon. But it's been a mixed blessing, with destructive floods in the southern part of the state and flash floods almost everywhere. Let's hope that all this wet weather makes for an outstanding winter. We'll need the snow pack for a good spring runoff and for a great northern New Mexico ski season. And how about a snow day or two!

Make it a wonderful September!

Renewed Commitment to Small, Regional Businesses  
Lab Director Michael Anastasio has announced that the Laboratory will take a new, more active role in increasing procurement opportunities for communities and pueblos in the northern New Mexico region.

In an August 28 memo to Lab managers and procurement personnel, Anastasio affirmed the Lab's commitment to a regional purchasing preference and a subcontracting goal of 50% small business utilization-an increase from the previous target of 41%.

"With an approximate overall procurement annual spending of $1 billion, there are many opportunities to enhance small business utilization. I challenge all managers to creatively seek ways to accomplish our goals," Anastasio said in his announcement.

Tech Help for Chile Growers  
We all know it's the time of year when New Mexicans begin stocking up on green chile, but you may be surprised to learn that chile is benefiting from the technical resources of Sandia National Laboratories. Last year, through an innovative small business assistance program, Sandia helped growers in the state with their project to develop chile de-stemming technology.

The technical help came through the New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) Initiative, funded by the Laboratory Partnership with Small Business Tax Credit Act, adopted by the State in 2000. In January, LANL will begin partnering with Sandia on the program.

The NMSBA Initiative accepts applications from groups of 5 to 25 businesses with a single technical issue they need addressed. This year's proposal deadline is October 6.

Contact the NMSBA office at 505-844-9623 or email for more information and proposal criteria.

Backpacks Full  
More than a thousand northern New Mexico students will get a much-needed boost when it comes to school supplies this year, thanks to generous Laboratory employees who donated to LANL's Annual School Supplies Drive.

Employees brought in supplies such as pencils, pens, crayons, paper, notebooks, and glue, as well as gift cards good at local businesses. Students needing help were identified by the New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department, the Adelante Homeless Students Program of Santa Fe, and the Espanola Military Academy.

Now in its second year, the program has become extremely popular with Lab employees, providing them with a chance to help northern New Mexico kids get the school year off to a great start.

Roadrunners, Zias, and Pinons  
The Quality New Mexico (QNM) 2006 examination process starts this month. The QNM Award assesses and recognizes organizations at three levels-Zia for performance excellence, Roadrunner for progress, and Pinon for commitment to quality concepts and principles.

The QNM program is modeled after the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards program. Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary of Commerce from 1981 to 1987, was a strong advocate of making American businesses and organizations more competitive.

It is Rocket Science.  
The Bradbury Science Museum held a series of four Rocket Workshops in late July, and they were a big hit. Each workshop took place on two successive mornings and afternoons. Scheduled classes filled up with a long waiting list almost immediately, so the museum added new classes. Eighty-nine students from the region participated.

Sessions covered propulsion concepts using water bottle rockets, made from one-liter soda bottles pressurized using bicycle pumps. Students were able to experiment with various set-upa--with and without fins or nose cones and bottles filled with different amounts of water. The launches were spectacular.

Cool Optics  
As part of the its Frontiers in Science series, the Laboratory will sponsor a set of talks this month entitled Chilling Out With Lasers: The Science of Optical Refrigeration.

Most of us think of lasers as instruments hot enough to cut through metal, not cold enough to bring things down to superconducting temperatures. But they can do both. Potential applications for this surprising technology range from satellites and other spacecraft, where the lack of mechanical vibration makes lasers ideal, to computers and cell phones.

There will be four opportunities in the region during the second half of September to hear the talk--in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos, and Los Alamos. Each will begin at 7 p.m., and they are all free and open to the public.

Northern County Transit News  
Better public transit is coming to northern New Mexico. The Northern County Regional Transit District (NCRTD) recently adopted a comprehensive regional transit service plan connecting points in Rio Arriba, Los Alamos, and Santa Fe counties. The plan calls for coordination and expansion of existing service and introduction of new service.

First elements of the plan are scheduled to go into effect October 6, when the NCRTD will consolidate Rio Arriba County Los Valles Transit and City of Espanola bus services and begin providing tribal transit services.

Longer-range plans call for a mix of different service types. Fixed routes, demand-response service, and mid- day/limited- stop service are planned for regular transit users. Express/park- and-ride service and vanpools are slated for commuters. Dial- a-ride/paratransit will serve the disabled.

The state's Congressional delegation was instrumental in obtaining $450K for Park-and-Ride and other improvements. For additional information, contact the NCRTD at 505-670-0682.

"United in a New Way"  
United Way of Northern New Mexico will host two 2007 United Way campaign events in September--one in Espanola for Rio Arriba County residents and one for the Lab campaign in Los Alamos. The Espanola kick-off is scheduled for Sunday, September 24--tentatively at the Big Rock Casino parking lot.

The 2007 LANL United Way Campaign Kick- off will take place Monday, September 25, 11-2 p.m., in the Central Park Square lawn area. The event is open to everyone in the community and will feature food, live music, games, a treasure hunt, and lots of fun and prizes.

A wonderful addition to the 2007 campaign is a pledge from LANS to match employee contributions one-for-one-- up to $1 million.

This year's campaign will also feature a Pirates of the Hill Treasure Hunt that will begin at the Kick-off on the 25th. Clues pointing to the treasure's location will appear daily in the Los Alamos Monitor. The prize for finding the treasure will be announced later.

Also featured will be the annual Books are Fun fair. After the kick-off event, the fair will move to the Otowi lobby and side rooms, where it will continue to be open to the public throughout the week.

Online pledging will be available at http// starting September 25. For more information, watch the Rio Grande Sun and the Los Alamos Monitor or contact the Community Programs Office at or 665-4400.

Robert Christy, Manhattan Project alumnus and developer of the "Christy Device," crucial to the development of the atomic bomb, visited the Bradbury Science Museum with 15 members of his extended family in August. Now in his 90s, Christy has near-total recall of the projects he worked on. He had listeners totally engrossed.

Mihaela Papa-Smith and Deborah Boldt recently joined the staff of the LANL Foundation. Mihaela is the new CFO, and Deborah is the new First-Born Officer.

Laboratory retiree Larry Campbell is the newest recipient of the monthly Vecinos award for outstanding volunteer work. Coordinated by the Community Programs Office and the LANL Foundation, the Vecinos program will honor Campbell with a $1,000 donation to the Los Alamos Historical Society.


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