GSA Advantage Help - Search Results

Search Tips
When searching on GSA Advantage, here are a few things to keep in mind:
  1. Enter keywords that best describe what you are looking for.
  2. Enter specific data, if available (i.e., National Stock Numbers (NSNs), Manufacturer part numbers, Vendor Contract Number, or Company name).
  3. By default, when you enter 2 or more search keywords, GSA Advantage will produce search results that only contain all the keywords in your query.
  4. Restrict your keyword search to a specific category (i.e., IT Solutions & Electronics).
Poor Keyword Search: Entering only "printer" will produce search results that will include not only printers, but thousands of other items including printer ribbons, printer cartridges, printer stands, printer labels, etc.

Better Keyword Search: ACME 123Z inkjet printer within the category IT Solutions & Electronics

Search Within Results
This area of the search results page allows you to refine, limit, or sort your results list. When searching within resutls, here are a few things to keep in mind:
  1. GSA Advantage will recommend search refinements to help you narrow your results.
  2. You have the ability to "Search [for keywords] within results" or "Exclude [keywords] from results".
  3. Use the "Limit results to" section to specify the socio-economic, environmental, and other business indicators you want included in your search results.
  4. You can sort your search results via the "Sort by" dropdown box. You can sort your results by most relevant, NSN/Mfr. part number, product name, manufacturer, contractor, contractor number, price ascending, and price descending.
  5. Use the Contractor and Manufacturer drop-down lists provided at the top right of the screen to select specific contractors or manufacturers listed in your search results.

Special Operators
GSA Advantage supports several special operators that, when combined with keywords in the search box, expand the searching capabilities.

Wildcards: (NOTE: do not place wildcards in the first position)
  • The question mark (?) is a wildcard operator that represents a single character. For example, a search for: pan?   will return pane, pang, pant... and so on.
  • The asterisk (*) is a wildcard that represents one or more characters preceding or following a term. For example, a search for: cop*   will return copper, copier, copy...and so on.

Find Product Detail
Click on "NSN/Mfr. Part No/Product" for a product to display product details.

Contractor Name

Click a contractor name to view their "Vendor Contact Information". On this page, you can find additional contractor details such as their address, email, website (if provided), contract end date, fax number, and their business type (socio-economic status).

Socio-economic Indicators
These indicators are used to highlight business size information applicable for each MAS contractor indicating the socio-economic status of the contractor at the time of contract award (i.e. small business, veteran-owned, woman-owned, etc.). Find socio-economic indicators to the right of the contractor name and contractor number. Click on an indicator to view socio-economic definitions.

Are sales and discounts available?

Sales: When a temporary price reduction is in effect, a red SALE icon will be displayed in front of the price. Look for a to save on products.

Volume Discounts: When a volume discount is available for a product, a silver diamond is displayed in front of the price. To see the Volume Discounts available, click on the NSN/Mfr. Part No. Look for volume discounts in the Unit Price row.

Unit of Issue
Units of Issue are displayed in the "Price/Delivery" column under the price. Click on a unit of issue to view the definition of a particular unit. Several examples of units of issue include: EA (Each), BG (Bag), CN (Containter), GA (Gallon), etc.

How do I find additional contractors who offer the same product?

If multiple contractors offer the same product, an "Compare Prices" link will appear in the Price/Delivery column. Selecting the "Compare Prices" link takes you to the product details where a side-by-side comparison table displays prices, and other terms and conditions for all contractors offering the product. This feature allows you to educate yourself to make a BEST VALUE decision.

Are options and accessories available for products?

GSA Advantage contains a number of products that have related accessories or configurable options. Products having options and/or accessories will show an "Options/Accessories" link next to the item on the Search Results and Product Detail pages. You may select needed accessories and simply add them to your cart. Products options may also be configured; GSA Advantage will add or subtract the price of the configured option. The shopping cart will show the configured price. Product color and/or size choices may also be found under options.

Symbols are provided in the "Price Delivery" column. They provide additional information about Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) items, where GSA is not the Contractor. Symbols are self-certified and assigned by the vendor. Click on a symbol to view its definition.

Why do some search results only contain "view catalog" links?

In addition to orderable products and services, GSA Advantage also contains many catalogs which are text only or "reference" catalogs. These catalogs are especially prevalent for certain types of services. Services offered in these catalogs do not easily lend themselves to on-line ordering since a Statement of Work or other documentation or discussion is needed for ordering. However, we have provided these catalogs to assist you in your search for the products or services you require. Direct ordering information is provided. Remember, if you need to acquire services, you may use e-Buy ( to identify sources and obtain quotes.
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