US Forest Service

Intermountain Region


US Forest Service

324 25th Street
Ogden, UT 84401

(801) 625-5306


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Wilderness Areas

Map of the region showing the wilderness areas in relation to the forests. Click on the image to view an enlarged clickable map. The 1964 Congressional "Wilderness Act" gave the U.S. Forest Service, a mandate to manage these special lands so they would be "an enduring resource," one that would remain "unimpaired for future use and enjoyment as wilderness." The Intermountain Region is home to 38 designated Wilderness Areas covering approximately 5.5 million acres. In these special areas you can enjoy primitive recreation and solitude in some of the Nation's most impressive terrain.

Wilderness Areas are closed to all types of motor vehicles, mechanical transport, hang gliders, and bicycles. In areas that lie within culinary watersheds for city and counties, special restriction concerning camping, swimming, and domestic animals may apply.

Activities specifically prohibited in the Wilderness Act are: commercial enterprises; roads and structures; the landing of aircraft; the use of motorized equipment; and motor or mechanical transport. Before visiting a Wilderness Area, check with the appropriate Forest Service office for regulations.

Wilderness is a precious and fragile resource. A few simple rules of self-conduct will permit you to enjoy an exceptional wilderness experience. Enduring the quality of wilderness depends on you. Help protect the wilderness by following the wilderness regulations and incorporating wilderness ethics into your backcountry activities.

In the wilderness, you will have the opportunity to experience challenge, self-reliance, and the reward of discovery; but you are also responsible for your own safety. In an area that is unfamiliar or new, there are few posted signs, so you must know how to read a map and use a compass. You may need to be your own doctor and must be prepared for accidents and dramatic changes in weather.

Please follow all visitor rules and practice good safety when visiting the National Forests.

Important Links


US Forest Service - Intermountain Region
Last Modified: Thursday, 13 March 2008 at 13:27:00 EDT

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