US Forest Service

Intermountain Region


US Forest Service

324 25th Street
Ogden, UT 84401

(801) 625-5306


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Centennial of Service 2006 Projects

[Photo]: Forest Service employees help during a community tree planing. The Intermountain Region of the U.S. Forest Service, in collaboration with numerous partners throughout Utah, Idaho, Nevada, and Wyoming, successfully accomplished over $2.0 million dollars of work on National Forest land in 2006 through the Centennial of Service Challenge cost share initiative. Various partners completed over twenty projects on 13 National Forests in four states, ranging from trail improvements to riparian rehabilitation projects to non-motorized recreation design and layout.

In 2006, in honor of the Centennial of the Forest Service, Congress appropriated money for use by the Forest Service along with partners to fund cost-shared projects. This past year, the Intermountain Region of the Forest Service received $400,000 from Congress to accomplish its work. Nationwide, over 137 individual partner projects were completed, providing more than $12 million in partner contributions.

Browse through the projects that are listed in the pull-down menu to see the level of diversity the Forest Service exemplifies.


Region 4 Final Report (.pdf)

National Fiscal Year 2006 Accomplishment Report (.pdf)

Funding Opportunities

Applications for FY2007 Scenic Byway grants can be found on the National Scenic Byways Program (NSBP) website. Details about the grant program and application instructions can be found at the NSBP site. There's a good summary below regarding some of the grant requirements and specifics. Applications will be due sometime in February; announcement of funding decisions will be made during summer 2007; and, when awarded, funds can be carried into FY2008.

Resource Links

WO Partnership Office

Partnership Resource Center

News Releases

US Forest Service and Partners Accomplish Approximately $2 Million of Work on National Forests in the Intermountain Region

Contact Info

For additional information regarding the Intermountain Region Partnership Program, contact Cathy Kahlow at (435) 783-4338 or by e-mail


US Forest Service - Intermountain Region
Last Modified: Thursday, 13 March 2008 at 13:37:33 EDT

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