Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 1214.06 Examiner Sustained in Whole or in Part [R-3] - 1200 Appeal

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1214.06 Examiner Sustained in Whole or in Part [R-3] - 1200 Appeal

1214.06 Examiner Sustained in Whole or in Part [R-3]


37 CFR 1.197 Return of jurisdiction from the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences; termination of proceedings.

(a) Return of jurisdiction from the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences. Jurisdiction over an application or patent under ex parte reexamination proceeding passes to the examiner after a decision by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences upon transmittal of the file to the examiner, subject to appellant's right of appeal or other review, for such further action by appellant or by the examiner, as the condition of the application or patent under ex parte reexamination proceeding may require, to carry into effect the decision of the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences.

(b) Termination of proceedings.

(1) Proceedings on an application are considered terminated by the dismissal of an appeal or the failure to timely file an appeal to the court or a civil action (§ 1.304) except:

(i) Where claims stand allowed in an application; or

(ii) Where the nature of the decision requires further action by the examiner.

(2) The date of termination of proceedings on an application is the date on which the appeal is dismissed or the date on which the time for appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit or review by civil action (§ 1.304) expires in the absence of further appeal or review. If an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit or a civil action has been filed, proceedings on an application are considered terminated when the appeal or civil action is terminated. A civil action is terminated when the time to appeal the judgment expires. An appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, whether from a decision of the Board or a judgment in a civil action, is terminated when the mandate is issued by the Court.<

>The practice under the situations identified in paragraphs I-III below is similar to the practice after a decision of the court outlined in MPEP §  1216.01. Examiners must be very careful that case files that come back from the Board are not overlooked because every case, except applications in which all claims stand rejected after the Board's decision, is up for action by the examiner in the event no court review has been sought. See MPEP § 1216.01 and § 1216.02 for procedure where court review is sought.<

The time for seeking review of a decision of the Board by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit or the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia is the same for both tribunals, that is, 2 months, or 2 months with the extension provided by 37 CFR 1.304 in the event a request for rehearing is timely filed before the Board, or as extended by the *>Director<. See MPEP § 1216. When the time for seeking court review (plus 2 weeks to allow for information as to the filing of an appeal or civil action, if any, to reach the examiner) has passed without such review being sought, the examiner must take up the application for consideration. The situations which can arise will involve one or more of the following circumstances:


The proceedings in an application or ex parte reexamination proceeding are terminated as of the date of the expiration of the time for filing court action. The application is no longer considered as pending. It is to be stamped abandoned and sent to abandoned files. In an ex parte reexamination proceeding, a reexamination certificate should be issued under 37 CFR 1.570.

Claims indicated as allowable prior to appeal except for their dependency from rejected claims will be treated as if they were rejected. The following examples illustrate the appropriate approach to be taken by the examiner in various situations:

(A) If claims 1-2 are pending, and the Board affirms a rejection of claim 1 and claim 2 was objected to prior to appeal as being allowable except for its dependency from claim 1, the examiner should hold the application abandoned.

(B) If the Board or court affirms a rejection against an independent claim and reverses all rejections against a claim dependent thereon, ** after expiration of the period for further appeal, >the examiner< should proceed in one of two ways:

(1) Convert the dependent claim into independent form by examiner's amendment, cancel all claims in which the rejection was affirmed, and issue the application; or

(2) Set a 1-month time limit in which appellant may rewrite the dependent claim(s) in independent form. Extensions of time under 37 CFR 1.136(a) will not be permitted. If no timely reply is received, the examiner will cancel all rejected and objected to claims and issue the application with the allowed claims only.

The following *>form paragraph< may be used where appropriate:


¶ 12.119.01 Examiner Sustained in Part - Requirement of Rewriting Dependent Claims (No Allowed Claim)

The Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences affirmed the rejection(s) against independent claim(s) [1], but reversed all rejections against claim(s) [2] dependent thereon. There are no allowed claims in the application. The independent claim(s) is/are cancelled by the examiner in accordance with MPEP § 1214.06. Applicant is given a ONE MONTH TIME PERIOD from the mailing date of this letter in which to present the dependent claim(s) in independent form to avoid ABANDONMENT of the application. NO EXTENSIONS OF TIME UNDER 37 CFR 1.136(a) WILL BE GRANTED. Prosecution is otherwise closed.

Examiner Note

1. In bracket 1, enter the independent claim number(s) for which the Board affirmed the rejection(s).

2. In bracket 2, enter the dependent claim number(s) for which the Board reversed the rejection(s).



The appellant is not required to file a reply. The examiner issues the application or ex parte reexamination certificate on the claims which stand allowed. *>For paper files, a< red-ink line should be drawn through the refused claims and the notion "Board Decision" written in the margin in red ink.

If the Board affirms a rejection of claim 1, claim 2 was objected to prior to appeal as being allowable except for its dependency from claim 1 and independent claim 3 is allowed, the examiner should cancel claims 1 and 2 and issue the application or ex parte reexamination certificate with claim 3 only.

>If the Board affirms a rejection against independent claim 1, reverses all rejections against dependent claim 2 and claim 3 is allowed, after expiration of the period for further appeal, the examiner should either:

(A) Convert dependent claim 2 into independent form by examiner's amendment, cancel claim 1 in which the rejection was affirmed, and issue the application with claims 2 and 3; or

(B) Set a 1-month time limit in which appellant may rewrite dependent claim 2 in independent form. Extensions of time under 37 CFR 1.136(a) will not be permitted. If no timely reply is received, the examiner will cancel claims 1 and 2 and issue the application with allowed claim 3 only. The following form paragraph may be used where appropriate:<


¶ 12.119.02 Examiner Sustained in Part - Requirement of Rewriting Dependent Claims (At Least One Allowed Claim)

The Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences affirmed the rejection(s) against independent claim(s) [1], but reversed all rejections against claim(s) [2] dependent thereon. The independent claim(s) is/are cancelled by the examiner in accordance with MPEP § 1214.06. Applicant is given a ONE MONTH TIME PERIOD from the mailing date of this letter in which to present the dependent claim(s) in independent form. NO EXTENSIONS OF TIME UNDER 37 CFR 1.136(a) WILL BE GRANTED. Failure to comply will result in cancellation of the dependent claims and the application will be allowed with claim(s) [3]. Prosecution is otherwise closed.

Examiner Note

1. In bracket 1, enter the independent claim number(s) for which the Board affirmed the rejection(s).

2. In bracket 2, enter the dependent claim number(s) for which the Board reversed the rejection(s).

3. In bracket 3, enter the claim number(s) of the allowed claims.


If uncorrected matters of form which cannot be handled without written correspondence remain in the application, the examiner should take appropriate action but prosecution is otherwise closed. ** A letter such as that set forth in form paragraph *>12.120< is suggested:


¶ 12.120 Period For Seeking Court Review Has Lapsed

The period under 37 CFR 1.304 for seeking court review of the decision by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences rendered [1] has expired and no further action has been taken by appellant. The proceedings as to the rejected claims are considered terminated; see 37 CFR 1.197(b).

The application will be passed to issue on allowed claim [2] provided the following formal matters are promptly corrected: [3]. Prosecution is otherwise closed.

Applicant is required to make the necessary corrections addressing the outstanding formal matters within a shortened statutory period set to expire ONE MONTH or THIRTY DAYS, whichever is longer, from the mailing date of this letter. Extensions of time may be granted under 37 CFR 1.136.

Examiner Note

1. In bracket 1, enter the date of the decision.

2. In bracket 2, identify the allowed claims.

3. In bracket 3, identify the formal matters that need correction.



If the decision of the Board is an affirmance in part and includes a reversal of a rejection that brings certain claims up for action on the merits, such as a decision reversing the rejection of generic claims in an application or ex parte reexamination proceeding containing claims to nonelected species not previously acted upon, the examiner will take up the application or reexamination proceeding for appropriate action on the matters thus brought up. However, the application or reexamination proceeding is not considered open to further prosecution except as to such matters.

IV. 37 CFR *>41.50(b)< REJECTION

Where the Board makes a new rejection under 37 CFR *>41.50(b)< and no action is taken with reference thereto by appellant within 2 months, the examiner should proceed in the manner indicated in paragraphs I-III of this section as appropriate. See MPEP § 1214.01.

If the Board affirms the examiner's rejection, but also enters a new ground of rejection under 37 CFR *>41.50(b)<, the subsequent procedure depends upon the action taken by the appellant with respect to the 37 CFR *>41.50(b)< rejection.

(A) If the appellant elects to proceed before the examiner with regard to the new rejection (see MPEP § 1214.01, paragraph I) the Board's affirmance will be treated as nonfinal, and no request for rehearing of the affirmance need be filed at that time. Prosecution before the examiner of the 37 CFR *>41.50(b)< rejection can incidentally result in overcoming the affirmed rejection even though the affirmed rejection is not open to further prosecution. Therefore, it is possible for the application to be allowed as a result of the limited prosecution before the examiner of the 37 CFR *>41.50(b)< rejection. If an application becomes allowed, it should not be returned to the Board. Likewise, if an application is abandoned for any reason, it should not be returned to the Board. If the rejection under 37 CFR *>41.50(b)< is not overcome, the applicant (or patent owner in an ex parte reexamination proceeding) can file a second appeal (as discussed below). Such appeal must be limited to the 37 CFR *>41.50(b)< rejection and may not include the affirmed rejection. If an application does not become allowed or abandoned as discussed above, once prosecution of the claims which were rejected under 37 CFR *>41.50(b)< is terminated before the examiner, the application file must be returned to the Board so that a decision making the original affirmance final can be entered. Similarly, the file of any ex parte reexamination proceeding including rejections affirmed by the Board but made nonfinal for purposes of judicial review must be returned to the Board so that the affirmance can be made final by the Board. The time for filing a request for rehearing on the affirmance or seeking court review runs from the date of the decision by the Board making the original affirmance final. See MPEP § 1214.03 and § 1216.

(B) If the appellant elects to request rehearing of the new rejection (see MPEP § 1214.01, paragraph II), the request for rehearing of the new rejection and of the affirmance must be filed within 2 months from the date of the Board's decision.


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