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Publications Produced by CIDER


In this Issue: Women's health: PTSD, ambulatory care, military sexual trauma

Management e-Brief
In this Issue: Synthesis of the Evidence on Inpatient Hyperglycemia Management Finds Intensive Insulin Therapy Does Not Clearly Improve Health Outcomes

Management e-Brief
In this Issue: Syntheses of the Evidence on Two Aspects of Pain Finds Little to Guide Clinicians

All publications are available on the HSRD web site.

FORUMFORUM features regular commentary and response articles, research highlights, and addresses questions and comments raised by VA clinicians and managers to health services researchers.

HSR&D Impacts HSR&D Impacts are short descriptions of funded studies whose findings have had an impact on clinical practice or patient outcomes, as well as those that show promise for impacts.

Mgmt. BriefsManagement Briefs provide VA senior management with a timely and concise summary of important HSR&D findings and/or publications.

PrimerPrimer targets complex, emerging, sometimes controversial topics or those not yet clearly defined within VA. Each Primer explains the fundamentals of the specific issue in a question and answer format and lists more in depth readings and other resources.

QUERI Fact SheetsQUERI Fact Sheets provide updates on the work of the QUERI centers and investigators.

Research BriefsResearch Briefs provide highlights and publications from recently completed HSR&D studies, as well as descriptions of new research initiatives and solicitations, newly funded projects and centers, and other items of interest to a broad VA audience.