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TOC\ Jobs & Careers\ Project Management 

Managing Multiple IT Projects: Process Re-engineering  - Richard Hayden, Corporate Marketing Manager at Artemis explains the importance of multi-project control. Project Management as a discipline, focuses on tasks, jobs, people and structures, but not on the actual process for managing multiple projects. Most organizations have some understanding of how to manage individual projects, but many fail to implement a process for managing multiple projects. This has led to a number of well publicized IT project disasters and is reflected in the fact that, based on surveys undertaken in Europe and North America, between 85% to 98% (dependent on the country) of software development organizations are classified on the lowest level 1 (ad-hoc) on the Software Engineering Institute's (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (see figure 1). According to the model, organizations do not begin to mature to level 2 until they have developed a process for managing multiple projects.   URL:

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