HEDIS®* Breast** and Cervical Cancer Screening, by Payer, 2006

HEDIS Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening, by Payer, 2006
Payer Percent of Women
Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer
Commercial 68.9% 81.0%
Medicaid 69.5% 65.7%
Medicare 49.1% not applicable

*Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set is a registered trademark of NCQA.
**The percentage of women aged 40–69 years who had at least one mammogram in the past 2 years.
The percentage of women aged 21–64 years who had at least one Pap test in the past 3 years; Medicare data was not available. Note: Data cannot be compared to previous years due to changes in the age range presented.

Source: National Committee for Quality Assurance. The State of Health Care Quality 2007. Washington, DC: NCQA, 2007.

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