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HSR&D's Center for Information Dissemination and Education Resources (CIDER) develops products and activities that help to strengthen the link between research evidence and health care decision-making. CIDER staff monitor the HSR&D portfolio and publications for important findings and information, target specific audiences for the information, and develop products and strategies for dissemination. The goal of our dissemination efforts is to support and promote the use of research evidence in management and clinical decision making to ultimately improve the health and care of veterans.



CIDER is staffed by a talented team with complimentary skills in project management, writing, editing, production, web and database development and management, meeting facilitation and planning, health care administration, education, and organizational development.

Geraldine McGlynn, Director of CIDERGeraldine McGlynn, M.Ed., Director of the Center for Information Dissemination and Education Resources (CIDER)
Gerry is responsible for managing all aspects of CIDER planning, staffing and budgeting. She works closely with HSR&D Central Office to identify dissemination opportunities and coordinates product development, implementation and dissemination. Her experience includes over twelve years of research dissemination work including identifying dissemination opportunities, product conceptualization, writing, editing, tracking and evaluation. In addition, she has over fifteen years experience in management development and training programs, and organizational development consulting.

Karen Bossi, Portfolio and Special Projects CoordinatorKaren Bossi M.A., Portfolio and Special Projects Coordinator
Karen coordinates numerous CIDER projects and has primary responsibility for coordinating all aspects of HSR&D's State of the Art (SOTA) conferences. Ms. Bossi also works on a variety of other dissemination projects, including HSR&D's Publication Briefs (disseminated to VHA Central Office senior leadership), monitoring additions and updates to HSR&D's research portfolios to ensure current information on HSR&D's web site, tracking publications by HSR&D investigators for possible dissemination opportunities, and coordinating several HSR&D publications. She has over 10 years of experience in the health care arena, ranging from direct patient education and counseling, to staff training, to serving as research coordinator for a national clinical trial study site.

Charles Festel, Web Program ManagerCharles Festel, B.S., Web Program Manager
Leading the CIDER Web Team, Charles is responsible for overseeing the planning and management of all aspects of the HSR&D and ORD websites, from updates and maintenance, to application development and new content creation. Mr. Festel works closely with Central Office to insure that the most current content available can be found on the HSR&D site. For the past ten years he has been involved in IT, ranging from web development and knowledge management to IT systems. Prior to that he was a researcher at a medical diagnostics company.

Diane Hanks, Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) CoordinatorDiane Hanks, M.A., Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) Coordinator
With more than 13 years of experience as a medical writer and editor, Diane is responsible for gathering information from the various QUERI groups to use in HSR&D publications. Ms. Hanks also provides writing and editing expertise for all QUERI products, as well as for several other CIDER projects including publication briefs, e-management briefs, and web briefs.

Laurel Nevinslong, Education Specialist Laurel Nevinslong, M.S., Education Specialist
Laurel coordinates HSR&D's new cyber seminar series. She works with the Directors of the HSR&D Resource Centers to develop and implement online seminars and workshops utilizing state-of-the-art web-based distance learning technologies. Ms. Long has over 20 years experience in healthcare, academic, research and nonprofit environments. She has extensive experience developing and disseminating print and electronic materials in support of national programs and designing and conducting end-user training.

Portia Rivera, Web Content Architect Portia Rivera, M.A., Web Information Architect
Portia is involved in the organization and maintenance of content for the HSR&D and ORD websites. She has interned at the Institute for Learning Technologies at Columbia University, and at the New York Times Digital.

Michael Short, Web DeveloperMichael Short, B.S., Web Developer
Mike is responsible for developing databases and cold fusion applications for the HSR&D and ORD websites. Mike's prior experience includes his role as application developer for Partners Telemedicine, a world leader in telemedicine; he was chief consultant for site redesign of the Boston University School of Public Health Intranet; as well as six years of freelance consultation for VirtuMedia (now Channel Wave).

Rama Palriwala,Program  Assistant

Rama Palriwala, A.S., Program Assistant
Rama is responsible for the smooth daily operation of the center, and gives support to all center staff. She has over five years of administrative support experience behind her, along with two years of experience in management.


Steering Committee

CIDER's Steering Committee is made up of VA and non-VA managers and leaders who provide guidance to our dissemination planning and evaluation either as dissemination experts or as potential audience for the information.

Martin P. Charns, DBA, MBA
Director, Center for Organization, Leadership, and Management Research
VA Boston Healthcare System-JP Campus
Boston, MA 02130

Allan J. Lazar, MBA
Deputy Director, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
Office of Communications and Knowledge Transfer
Rockville, MD 20850

Odette Levesque
Clinical/QA Liaison, HSR&D Service, VACO
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC 20420

Shirley Meehan, MBA, PhD
Deputy Director, HSR&D Service, VACO
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC 20420

Diana L. Ordin, MD, MPH
Director, Quality Improvement
Office of Quality and Performance
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC 20420

Susan Schiffner, RN, BSM, CCM
Health Science Specialist, VACO
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC 20420

Judith A. Zboyovski, RN
Quality Management Officer
Erie VA Medical Center
VISN 4: VA Stars & Stripes Healthcare Network
Erie, PA 16504
