RSA - Dear Colleague Letter
From Thomas Kelly about the RSA-704


October 26, 2007

Dear Colleagues:

Provided below are web links to the 704 Report, Parts I and II for reporting on Fiscal Year 2007 (10/1/06 – 9/30/07), as well as submittal instructions and information about upcoming 704 Report teleconference and web cast trainings. The 704 Report instrument and instructions are unchanged from last year. They may be found at:


Part I is to be completed by designated state units (DSU) and the statewide independent living councils (SILC). Part II is to be completed by the Part C-funded Centers for Independent Living (CILs). The 704 Report submittal deadlines are as follows:

  • For 722 States – No later than December 31, 2007

  • For 723 States – No later than January 31, 2008

The 704 Report should be submitted in the following manner:

  • One electronic copy to Roslyn Thompson at 704Report@ed.gov.
    Note: This e-mail address is different than the one you used last year.

  • One electronic copy to Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) at Heinsohn@bcm.tmc.edu

  • One signed hard copy to:

    U.S. Department of Education
    Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
    Attention: Roslyn Thompson
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Room 5050, PCP Building
    Washington, DC 20202-2800

Please use the following procedures for creating the electronic files for transmittal:

  • For Part I (DSUs and SILCs), use the two letter state designator followed by the federal fiscal year designation. For example, Arizona’s FY 2007 704 Report Part I would be identified as AZ.07. Include the phrase, “704 Report”, in the e-mail subject line.

  • For Part II (CILs), use the two letter state designator followed by the CILs name or acronym and federal fiscal year designation. The Arizonans Building Liberty and Empowerment Center would be identified as AZ.ABLE.07 and the Sunshine CIL (in Arizona) would be identified as AZ.Sunshine.07. Include the phrase, “704 Report” in the subject line.


RSA will conduct the following national teleconference and web cast trainings on the 704 Report, in collaboration with the RSA-funded IL NET project. The trainings will be based on the 704 Report Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) provided by RSA last fall, as well as your questions posted on ILRU’s bulletin boards (CILs and SILCs).

704 Report - Part II (CILs)

  • November 13, 2007, 3:00-5:00 pm Eastern Time.

  • Call-in number: 888-652-4360, Participant Code: 1818.

704 Report - Part I (DSUs and SILCs)

  • November 29, 2007, 3:00- 5:00 pm Eastern Time.

  • Call-in number: 866-740-9381, Conference ID: 21591859.

Please download and review the FAQ in advance of the training. It may be accessed at www.ilru.org/html/publications/704/RSA-FAQ.html. To register for the national training, please email felipe.lulli@ed.gov and indicate which training session you wish to join. Registration deadlines are November 9, 2007 for the first session and November 27, 2007. Those participating in the teleconferences are encouraged to do so in groups in order to promote further discussion afterwards.

Web Casts

The national trainings will be web cast by the RSA-funded IL NET/Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) program. The Web cast may be accessed at: www.ilru.org/html/training/webcasts/calendar.html. Web cast participants may email written questions at webcast@ilru.org during the teleconference. Training transcripts will be available at after the live presentation at: www.ilru.org/html/training/webcasts/archive.

If you have any questions regarding the 704 Report or the trainings, please contact Felipe Lulli at 202-245-7425 or felipe.lulli@ed.gov, or Roslyn Thompson at 202-245-7544 or roslyn.thompson@ed.gov.


Thomas Kelley
Independent Living Unit Supervisor

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Last Modified: 03/21/2008