STWS Home Module Home  Lymphoma & Leukemia: Case #1 Print

64 year old female with 1 week of swelling, right leg. Swelling resolves after lying down at night. No other symptoms.

Physical Exam Abdominal mass on pelvic exam.
Imaging Barium enema prior to admission: negative for colon mass
IVP: right pelvic mass
CXR: negative for masses
Endoscopy Not done
Operation Abdominal exploration, omentectomy, TAH and BSO, dissection of L iliac nodes: Atrophic uterus; lymphoma of the left iliac lymph nodes, dissected and resected; liver and spleen appeared free of disease.

Iliac lymph nodes: Follicular, small cleaved cell lymphoma
Inguinal lymph nodes: no evidence of tumor
Uterus: atrophic
Tubes and ovaries: serosal adhesions; no tumor

Bone marrow aspiration biopsy: Follicular, small cleaved cell lymphoma infiltrating the bone marrow.



Treatment Started Cytoxan and Vincristine

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