American Indian Science and Engineering Society

Leadership Conference

The Leadership Conference aims to help AISES student members develop leadership skills and introduces them to a network of corporate mentors and professionals. The conference also prepares the students to become active, knowledgeable leaders for the Indian community and to serve as mentors for younger students.

AISES brings together 100-150 invited college chapter student officers, chapter advisors, and selected AISES scholars participate in this annual three-day conference.

2009 Leadership Conference

February 12-14, 2009
Taking the Leadership Path
Nativo Lodge
Albuquerque, NM 

Leadership Conference Registration
Registration Rate: $40.00
Invites to the 2009 AISES Leadership Conference will be emailed to all active AISES college chapters the week of December 8th. The invite will include conference guidelines and a tentative agenda. To verify your chapter’s status please contact Tina Pino at

Call for 2009 AISES Leadership Conference Artwork
Deadline: January 9, 2009 (digital submissions only)

AISES is seeking artwork that reflects this year's theme, “Taking the Leadership Path”.
The artwork will be used on Leadership Conference materials including the program, t-shirts, and other materials. Artwork will appear on the print materials for the conference and the artist’s bio will be included as well. AISES will provide conference programs and t-shirts to the artist for their portfolio.

Artwork should be original work created specifically for the 2009 Leadership Conference. Artwork may be multicolor but should easily convert to one color. Preferred formats are: .pdf, .jpg or .gif files. Please include the artist's contact information, including phone number(s), mailing address, and email addresses. If you have any further questions please contact Cristy Davies, Events Manager, at or (505) 765-1052, x108.

Sponsorship Opportunities for 2009 AISES Leadership Conference
Contact Cristy Davies via telephone (505) 765-1052, x108, or email: for more information on becoming a sponsor.

American Indian Science and Engineering Society   ::   ::   505.765.1052
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