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Peace Agreements Digital Collection: Liberia

Acceptance and Accession Agreement

This acceptance and accession undertaking made and entered into this twenty-first day of December AD 1994 by the Lofa Defense Force (LDF), represented by Mr. Francois Massaquoi; the Liberian Peace Council (LPC), represented by Mr. G. E. Saigbe Boley, Sr.; the Central Revolutionary Council (CRC-NPFL), represented by J. Thomas Woewiyu; the United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy (ULIMO), represented by Major General Roosevelt Johnson; the Liberia National Conference (LNC), represented by Counsellor J. D. Bayogar Junius, all of whom are hereinafter collectively referred to as the non-signatories to the Akosombo agreement, hereby:


WHEREAS, an agreement, referred to as the "Akosombo agreement", was made and entered into on the twelfth day of September, by and between the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL); the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) and ULIMO, in an effort to establish a cease-fire, facilitate disarmament, encampment and demobilization, and pave the way for a free and fair election; and

WHEREAS, the non-signatories to the Akosombo agreement did not participate in the discussions leading to the Akosombo agreement; and

WHEREAS, a need arose for further discussions between the signatories to the Akosombo agreement for clarification and expansion of the provisions therein with a view to facilitating the acceptance and the implementation of the agreement, in which said discussions the non-signatories fully participated; and

WHEREAS, after intense discussions and negotiations between the parties to the Akosombo agreement and the non-signatories thereto, the non-signatories have agreed to accept the terms and conditions of the Akosombo agreement with the clarifications thereto as set forth and contained in the agreement on the clarification of the said Akosombo agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, the non-signatories to the Akosombo agreement, in consideration of their participation in the discussions on the clarification of the Akosombo agreement, and in further consideration of the political arrangements agreed upon and accepted by them, agree as follows, to wit:

  1. That the Lofa Defense Force (LDF), the Liberian Peace Council (LPC) and the Central Revolutionary Council (CRC-NPFL), in their individual capacities; the LNC, and ULIMO agree to accept and to accede to, and by this document hereby accept and accede to the Akosombo agreement and the agreement on clarification of the aforesaid Akosombo agreement.
  2. That the non-signatories commit themselves individually and collectively to the terms and conditions of the Akosombo agreement and the agreement on clarification of the said agreement, and undertake fully to implement and discharge all the tasks and the responsibilities, and to abide by all the terms and conditions as set forth and contained under the said Akosombo agreement, and the agreement on clarification of the said Akosombo agreement, as if they were signatories thereto and/or specifically named therein.

have hereunto set their hands and affixed their signatures this twenty-first day of December AD 1994 in the City of Accra, Republic of Ghana:

(Signed)Roosevelt JOHNSON
Represented by and through its Chairman
Major General Roosevelt JOHNSON

Lofa Defense Force (LDF)
(Signed)Francois MASSAQUOI
Represented by and through its Leader,

Liberian Peace Council (LPC)
Represented by and through its
Chairman, Mr. G. E. SAIGBE BOLEY, SR.

The Central Revolutionary Council (CRC-NPFL)
(Signed)Jucontee Thomas WOEWIYU
Represented by and through its
Chairman, Jucontee Thomas WOEWIYU

Liberia National Conference (LNC)
(Signed)J. D. Bayogar JUNIUS
Represented by and through its Chairman
Counsellor J. D. Bayogar JUNIUS

Attested to:
(Signed)Jerry John RAWLINGS
H.E. Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings
President of the Republic of Ghana
and Current Chairman of ECOWAS


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Posted by USIP Library on: March 26 2002
Source Name: Photocopied from the United Nations Information Center, Washington, D.C. In August 2000.
Source Document Number: U.N. Doc. No. S/1995/7
Date Digitized: November 4 2000


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