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Found 774 studies with search of:   "Stroke"
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1 Recruiting MRI-DTI as a Predictor of Functional Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Conditions: Acute Ischemic Stroke;   Stroke;   Cerebral Stroke;   Cerebrovascular Accident
2 Completed Safety and Effectiveness of NXY-059 for the Treatment of Patients Who Have Suffered From a Stroke
Conditions: Cerebral Stroke;   Stroke, Acute;   Cerebrovascular Stroke;   Ischemic Attack, Transient
Intervention: Drug: NXY-059
3 Recruiting Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation and Occupational Therapy To Enhance Stroke Recovery
Conditions: Stroke;   Cerebrovascular Accident;   CVA;   Acute Stroke;   Acute Cerebrovascular Accident;   Apoplexy
Interventions: Device: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation;   Device: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
4 Recruiting Brain and Coordination Changes Induced By Robotics and FES Treatment Following Stroke
Conditions: Cerebrovascular Accident;   Stroke;   Cerebral Stroke
Interventions: Device: Robotics training for shoulder elbow.;   Device: Surface Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation
5 Completed Multicenter Efficacy Study of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Conditions: Infarction, Middle Cerebral Artery;   Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke;   Stroke, Acute
Interventions: Drug: recombinant human erythropoietin alfa;   Drug: 0.9% NaCl
6 Recruiting Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) for Upper Extremity Recovery in Stroke
Conditions: Stroke, Acute;   Stroke;   Hemiparesis
Intervention: Device: NMES device with EMG-triggered and Cyclic capabilities
7 Recruiting Influence of Area of Brain Damage on Brain Reorganization After Chronic Stroke
Conditions: Central Nervous System Disease;   Cerebrovascular Accident;   Stroke
8 Completed Antiplatelet Therapy to Prevent Stroke in African Americans
Conditions: Stroke;   Cerebral Infarction
Interventions: Drug: aspirin;   Drug: ticlopidine
9 Completed Vitamin Therapy for Prevention of Stroke
Conditions: Stroke;   Cerebral Infarction;   Myocardial Infarction
Interventions: Drug: pyridoxine;   Drug: cyanocobalamin;   Drug: folic acid multivitamin
10 Recruiting Platelet Hyperreactivity to Aspirin and Stroke
Conditions: Stroke;   Cerebral Infarction;   Cardiovascular Diseases;   Vascular Diseases;   Atherosclerosis;   Ischemia;   Thrombosis;   Acute Coronary Syndrome
Intervention: Drug: Aspirin (platelet sensitive versus platelet hyperreactivity)
11 Active, not recruiting Acute Candesartan Cilexetil Outcomes Stroke Trial (ACCOST)
Conditions: Cerebrovascular Accident;   Acute Stroke
Intervention: Drug: Candesartan
12 Completed Outcomes of Swallowing Rehabilitation After Stroke
Conditions: Stroke;   Cerebrovascular Accident;   Dysphagia
Intervention: Behavioral: dysphagia rehabilitation
13 Recruiting Clinic-Based AMES Treatment of Stroke
Conditions: Stroke;   Cerebrovascular Accident
Intervention: Device: The AMES device
14 Recruiting ICTUS Study: International Citicoline Trial on acUte Stroke
Conditions: Acute Stroke;   Cerebral Infarction
Interventions: Drug: Citicoline;   Drug: Placebo
15 Recruiting Intra-Arterial Versus Systemic Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke
Conditions: Stroke;   Cerebrovascular Accident
Interventions: Other: Alteplase IA and/or mechanical thrombolysis;   Drug: Alteplase IV
16 Completed Study of NeuroAid In Enhancing Recovery After Stroke
Conditions: Stroke;   Cerebral Infarction
Interventions: Drug: Neuroaid;   Drug: Neuroaid matched Placebo
17 Recruiting CHInese Medicine NeuroAid Efficacy on Stroke Recovery
Conditions: Cerebral Infarction;   Stroke
Interventions: Drug: NeuroAid;   Drug: Neuroaid matched Placebo
18 Completed Local Versus Systemic Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke (SYNTHESIS)
Conditions: Stroke;   Cerebrovascular Accident
Interventions: Drug: cal intraarterial recombinant tissue plasminogen activator;   Drug: intravenous (IV) rt-PA
19 Recruiting "Mobile Stroke-Unit" for Reduction of the Response Time in Ischemic Stroke
Condition: Stroke
Interventions: Procedure: MSU;   Procedure: OCCM
20 Terminated ASP-II: Ancrod Stroke Program: Ancrod (Viprinex™) for the Treatment of Acute, Ischemic Stroke
Conditions: Stroke;   Cerebral Ischemia;   Brain Infarction
Interventions: Drug: Ancrod (Viprinex);   Drug: Placebo

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