Health Insurance Coverage of Women Aged 18-64, by Type of Coverage and Race/Ethnicity,* 2006

Health Insurance Coverage of Women Aged 18-64, by Type of Coverage and Race/Ethnicity, 2006
Race/Ethnicity Percent of Adults
Private Public Uninsured
Total 71.5% 14.4% 18.1%
Non-Hispanic White 78.9% 12.5% 12.9%
Non-Hispanic Black 59.0% 22.1% 22.8%
Hispanic 47.6% 16.3% 38.7%
Asian/Pacific Islander 74.8% 12.3% 16.9%
American Indian/Alaska Native 47.3% 21.2% 36.0%

*Percentages may equal more than 100 because it was possible to report more than one type of coverage.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, 2007. Current Population Survey Table Creator. Available online at, accessed 12/3/07.

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