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United States Marshal LaFayette Collins 

U.S. Marshal LaFayette Collins
United States Marshal LaFayette Collins
LaFayette Collins is a 1970 graduate of Prairie View A& M University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science. He was active in student affairs and was elected as
freshman and junior class president. Mr. Collins was selected to attend Columbia and Yale Universities in summer academic programs; was designated as Distinguished Military Student; and was selected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. He was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army, Military Intelligence.

He served seven years in the military as a Military Intelligence Officer, achieving the rank of Captain. His military decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.

In 1978, Mr. Collins was appointed as a Special Agent with the United States Secret Service. He assisted in the protection of Presidents Carter, Ford, Reagan, Bush (GHW), and Clinton. He was assigned to protect Pope John Paul II, Senator Edward Kennedy, King Hussein and Queen Noir of Jordan, Premier Gorbachev, presidential candidates Bob Dole, William Clinton, Al Gore, and Jesse Jackson. He was assigned to the White House detail to protect President Reagan from 1982 to 1987. Mr. Collins retired from the United States Secret Service in 1999.

In April 1999, Mr. Collins was appointed by then-Governor George W. Bush to serve as a member of the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. In February 2004, he was reappointed by Governor Rick Perry.

After recommendations by United States Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn to be United States Marshal and subsequent confirmation by the United States Senate on March 8, 2004, he was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve the Western District of Texas.

Marshal Collins has presided over a prisoner population growth of 2,400 in 2004 to more than 5,300 in 2008. Under his leadership the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force was formed. The LSFTF combined the resources of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies for the primary purpose of arresting fugitives. The LSFTF has become one of the premiere task forces in the country. From 2004 to present it has been responsible for more than 12,000 arrests of dangerous and violent criminals. In May 2007, the Texas Senate recognized the accomplishments of the LSFTF and in July 2007 the United States Senate honored the success of this combined law enforcement effort. In July 2008 the LSFTF succeeded in arresting 1005 fugitives in a five day nationwide fugitive apprehension operation (Operation FALCON). This was the highest number of fugitives ever arrested by any District or Regional Task Force in a fugitive apprehension initiative.


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