United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery VAMC

Visiting Hours and Policies


We encourage the visiting of patients by family and friends except when medically inappropriate. Some basic rules and guidelines to follow include:

  • Patients are limited to 2 visitors at any one time.
  • Children under 12 years of age may visit inpatients only when the attending physician or nurse has granted permission.  Inpatients may visit with children under age 12 in the lobby of the main hospital building.
  • An adult must accompany children at all times.
  • Visitors may not bring food or beverages to patients without authorization from unit physicians or nurses. Visitors are asked not to eat in patient rooms.
  • Visitors are encouraged to have meals in the Canteen food court or pizza shop located on the 1st floor.
  • Members of the clergy may visit during other than regular visiting hours at the discretion of the physician or nurse in charge.
  • Visitors are not permitted at the patient's bedside on the Mental Health Unit. Patients on this unit who are eligible to receive visitors may do so in specifically designated areas.  Contact your ward staff on where to receive visitors.
  • Visitors are not allowed on the Chemical Dependency Treatment Units.
  • Overnight lodging in the visitor's lounge is not permitted.
  • Visitors are not allowed to use personal electrical equipment due to safety reasons.
    A patient may receive no more than two visitors at a time.

Clothing Valuables

We encourage you to bring pajamas, or other sleepwear, with you to the medical center.  We recommend you not bring valuables, such as money, credit cards, jewelry, etc.  The medical center is not responsible for loss or theft of these items.  Patients generally find that $5 "pocket money" is adequate for the daily newspaper, Canteen items, etc.  Canteen coupon books are available for your convenience and can be purchased in 50-cent increments.


Upon admission to the medical center, an identification band will be fastened to your wrist. This wristband must be worn at all times (while you are hospitalized), as treatment cannot be given to you without proper identification. Please check your band to ensure your name and social security number are correct.  If information is incorrect, or if this band becomes damaged, please tell your unit clerk or nurse. In an emergency, this could save your life.


You are encouraged not to bring your medications with you to the hospital. Any drugs you bring will, upon admission, be turned in to Pharmacy for security, pending instructions from your physician. Every effort will be made to return your medications to a family member. Any medication not sent home with family member(s) will be stored in Pharmacy for at least one month or until picked up by you. After this time VA issued medications will be destroyed and privately purchased drugs will be mailed to your home.

Prohibited Articles

For the safety and protection of others, we strongly urge each patient to dispose of weapons prior to seeking admission to the medical center. Should it not be possible for you to do so, weapons must be surrendered to the VA Police for safekeeping until you are discharged. Lighter fluid and alcoholic beverages will be confiscated and destroyed.

Conduct and Behavior

Please be considerate of others and help us maintain a quiet atmosphere.  Regulations do not permit the use of loud, abusive, or profane language; loud music or televisions; gambling; soliciting; bartering; selling, use or possession of intoxicants or unauthorized drugs.  If you should observe such misconduct by anyone, please report it to a unit nurse.  Patients may be given an irregular hospital discharge from the medical center for any of the following reasons:

  • violation of medical center rules
    leaving against medical advice (AMA)
  • leaving the premises without authorized leave (AWOL)
  • not returning by the stated time when on a pass
  • noncompliance with a treatment plan aggressive and or/abusive conduct towards other patients, visitors, or staff
  • using or possessing intoxicants or unauthorized drugs


The doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and social worker on your unit will be planning your discharge with you.  If you have any special concerns about leaving the medical center, please let them know.  If you need a "return to work statement," please discuss this with your doctor before leaving the hospital.

When you are told you are going to be discharged, there may be certain information you need to know.  Your physician, nurse, or other health professional will provide this information including:

  • What illness you were treated for;
  • What things might improve or worsen your condition;
  • What symptoms to report to a physician and how to contact him or her, if necessary, after discharge
  • What activities you should and should not do;
  • What care is needed for any tubes or dressings;
  • What treatments you should continue at home, for how long and how often;
  • What diet to follow and what foods you can and can't eat;
  • What medication to take and how to take it;
  • Any special instructions for taking your medication as well as possible side effects;

Also, be sure you have:

  • A friend or family member who knows how to help you in your care at home;
  • Transportation arranged to get home and to return for appointments;
  • Supplies/equipment you will need at home;
  • Medications you are to take home and information regarding how to get your medications refilled;
  • A clinic appointment if your doctor wants you to return for follow-up.

Checking Out

Please withdraw any funds you have placed on deposit with the agent cashier on the first floor of the main hospital building during regular operating hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Check with your nurse before you leave for any other discharge instructions.


Visitor Information

Visiting Hours and Policies
Driving Directions

Visiting Hours


Medical and Surgical Units

9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. daily

Psychiatric Units

2:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. weekdays

11:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays

Medical Intensive Care Units (MICU/CCU)

Two members of the immediate family (or significant others) may visit for 10 minutes at:
9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., & 8:00 p.m.

Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)

Two members of the immediate family or significant others are allowed to visit for 10 minutes at the following times:
9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m.

Nursing Home Care Unit (NHCU)

10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. daily