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Care Coordination Services - About Us

Office of Care Coordination Services

About Us

Do you feel frustrated and confused when you need to get health care in different places at different times for different health care problems? Each separate piece of your care may work well but somehow the dots don't seem to connect. Why is this? What can be done to prevent you from falling through the cracks in the VA health care system?

VA is the largest integrated health care system in the US. VA has the proud mission of serving veterans in the continental US, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. You might think that VA is the most challenged health care system in the nation. How can VA share your records with all the parts of its system?

VA leads the nation in using new technology to improve the delivery of care. Because of its information systems, VA is recognized by the Institute of Medicine for the quality of care it provides. Your computerized patient record can be moved to where you are. Now you can expect your VA health care provider to have all your information at hand. This means you can get care at a local community based outpatient clinic or any VA Medical Center. Your chart, reports and x-rays are all there for your physician to see. VA has found a way to connect the dots!

VA is now using telehealth. Telehealth is new technology that is changing health care. Telehealth involves the use of video, digital pictures, and messaging devices to treat you in locations that may be hundreds of miles from the medical center. Imagine not having to travel to see a specialist doctor. Imagine getting your care at home or at a local community based outpatient clinic. More and more veteran patients don't have to imagine this - it's now the way they receive care.

This new way of providing care is called Care Coordination. Care Coordination uses both the computerized patient record and telehealth to link you with a care coordinator. You can use telehealth technologies to contact your care coordinator from home. This is called Care Coordination/Home Telehealth or CCHT by VA.

You and your care coordinator can use telehealth technologies in a VA clinic to connect with a specialist in a medical center. This is called Care Coordination/General Telehealth or CCGT by VA.

You can take digital pictures of yourself and send to your care coordinator. These pictures are shown to an expert in another VA clinic or facility. This method is called Store-and-Forwards by VA. Store-and-Forwards means the picture is saved until an expert can look at it.

The Care Coordinator’s job is to make sure you get the right care in the right place at the right time. VA is connecting the dots and making sure you do not fall through the cracks.